Weighing In

So not to brag, but I am so excited. I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday and I weighed in at 128 lbs. I actually am ten pounds lighter then when I was first pregnant!! Of course I only gained 13 lbs. and I lost 7 lbs 5 oz. (Eden), not to mention a lot of water weight when I gave birth. Of course I will probably not be so lucky by the third, fourth, or sixth child. We do want to have six and I’ll be in my thirties by then, and you know your metabolism slows down in your thirties, according to that commercial or whatever. Anyways, my advice to pregnant woman, eat healthy, and nurse after you have the baby, you’ll lose weight faster! Anyways. I should actually go do school work. I was just chatting to Jon and I told him I would go do schoolwork, but of course I got distracted with wanting to note my happy news.

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