Busy times

So I have two tests coming up this Tuesday, plus I’m preparing a lesson for Sunday, and I’m trying to catch up on reading for my Anthropology course. Life is busy.

Wednesday was fun though. My friend Anna came over for lunch and we caught up a little plus she was able to meet Eden. Then we finally got family pictures taken that night. Wouldn’t you know the day I have to take a shower Eden decided to go through a growth spurt and eat every two hours and not sleep longer than thirty to forty five minutes between a feeding, so she was up the other forty five minutes being grumpy or needy or eating. They turned out cute and hopefully Jon will get the pictures up on our website once they e-mail then to him. JC Penny’s has this smile by wire where they e-mail the pictures to you so you can view them and use them on the computer. We probably wouldn’t get family pictures if Marie, my sister Carolyn’s friend that we’ve known forever, wasn’t a manager and didn’t give us huge discounts. Well, we’d wait for coupons probably. I love knowing people in certain businesses. Anyhow, we have also had our tree cut down in front of our house. Hopefully we don’t have too many caterpillars wandering in since Jon put a front door sweep on to help with the seal that is not there, in which we’ll have to replace or take up the whole bottom frame to the door to replace the seal.

We’ve had lots of caterpillars- I think we’ve found seven to be exact at different times wondering through the house. When Jon cut off some branches from the tree they lost a home and food so they started wondering into our house because we have no seal on the bottom part of the door jam, which creates about a 1/4 inch gap, just perfect for the caterpillars. Yeah it was fun. Jon stepped on one during the night once, and it was on the hard floor, so it was yucky. Having a home is so much fun, but their are so many things to think about.

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