New Years

As you get older and have kids New Years just becomes a night to stay up late and kiss your husband. Well at least is does for me. We though about going out and getting a sitter, but there’s no where to go if you want to have good clean fun and not be around crazy drunk people, at least in Vegas there’s no where. It’s nice to watch the fireworks that they do, but it bugs us when the come in to close, we like the far away shots that show several of the casinos not just one. We had a good night. Since we watched Star Wars Episode
Three last week, thank you Kristi and Howard, I decided maybe I should see 4, 5 and 6. I have seen most of them at different times growing up, but I don’t remember what scenes go to which movies. We watched part of 4 News Years Eve and finished it Sunday night. I made brownies Saturday night so we ate warm brownie sundaes and had cream soda at midnight. It was fun to be in, but at the same time I longed to be out, I think it’s the youngster in me. ๐Ÿ™‚

The break was great though. Jon had the whole week off between Christmas and New Years. We didn’t get all we needed done, but we got a lot accomplished. I also visited my sister Kristi and got old clothes of Kaitlyn’s for Lilah to wear.
I didn’t wash some, so they had the smell of Kaitlyn on them. At least how Kaitlyn smells because of their fabric softener. Jon said it was kinda like being a mother cat whose kittens had been around another cat or humans. It throws you off guard.
Anyways Lilah had a great Christmas and she got pajamas that have feet that glow in the dark, so she calls them her spooky feet and she always wants spooky feet before she goes to bed. I just find her cute. We also pulled the exersaucer out, at least that’s what we call it. and Eden loves being in it. I think she enjoys being able to lay back and relax when she wants and then also being able to stand and play and swirl around.
I have the curtains almost done, I guess I should just be happy I’m almost done. Though I sewed the layers wrong last night, I had the lining, then blackout fabric, then the drape, so when I flipped the blackout and the lining right sides out, the lining was in between the blackout and the drape, where as I want the black out between the lining and the drape. So I had to take that out and start over. So I could have been left with just the hem to do today had I thought correctly or double checked. Anyhow I not have the side hems to put in, then I’ll have Jon hang them for me to let me check and see if the bottom hem will be even when I sew or if I’ll have to do just adjustments. I’m so close yet so far from being done.
I could have done more had I not gotten to preoccupied with reading A Wrinkle in Time. I got Jon the book for Christmas. I finished reading it before him. We were reading together but he fell asleep one night and I got ahead and I just got involved. It’s a great book and I can’t wait until Lilah is old enough to read it, since it it a children’s book for about seven year olds.

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