
I guess I’m more writing this down so my children and grandchildren can know about me and why I chose to go to school. Also in a conversation it was mentioned about why I’m getting an education in psychology, what can I do with it? Really I don’t plan on doing anything with it. But maybe someday I’ll get a masters and go into counseling of some kind, or maybe not. The future is a long ways away and I may change my mind.

To tell the truth about why I went to college is because it was expected of me and I didn’t know what else to do. Most of my friends were going to college and it was just the next step. I worked at a law office at the time I graduated high school it was expected of me to go to college. It was just the natural thing to do. It sounds pathetic really. I went because I had the opportunity, but it more or less fell into my lap.

I went to UNLV because there was the millennium scholarship. In which I had to graduate with a weighted GPA of 3.0 from a Nevada high school, and that was really all that was required, from that they gave me $960 per semester, about half of my tuition and fees, so I went. It would have been dumb not to. I decided I would have psychology as my major. This seems like a strange choice, but in reality it goes back to 8th grade, where they did a career quiz and decided what field you would be good in, psychology was what they scored me for. So that was my first exposure to Psychology. Then has I got older and was first attending UNLV I decided it would be fun to be a criminal psychologist, that is if I ever went into a serious career. Then I decided that would be too crazy of a career, just mentally, so I figured maybe if I ever do have a career I would want to work with wayward teenagers, or pregnant unwed mothers, all within the church social system, so I could use religious opinions as part of the counseling. I’m not sure if the church has their own counselling system, but I do know they have their own social work system for adopting, and that would be were I fit in. But in truth I’m only getting my education because it’s been free and I’ve been able to go to school. I don’t plan on ever using it for a career except if Jon died, or became disabled, or if I wanted to when I’m older. I really can say, I like the idea of not needing to worry about working. I like the thought of being a mom and doing things around the house. I like the thought of being supported by my husband, that’s his job, my job is to be a mother and wife. I like the thought that if I never work, I would be able to go across country and take care of my daughter during the last weeks of pregnancy, or the first weeks of her child’s life, if necessary. I enjoy knowing that I can fulfil my duties as a mother because my husband supports me, not just financially but spiritually. At one point I mentioned when I was done being a mother I might have a career, and my mother-in-law said, you’re never done being a mother. I meant once my children are out of the house. She meant that work as a mother is never done. Granted she was about 68-69 when her last child left the nest, due to the fact that two of her children have down syndrome, and I think she would have had them stay even longer, if it weren’t for the fact that she’s getting older and so is dad, so she needs to focus her energy on him, and they needed to become more self reliant.

In other truth. I also want to have a degree to show the importance of an education to my children. I don’t know the exact numbers, but children are more likely to go to college of their mother has a four year degree. I also want to set the example of going not to make money, but to improve yourself and any opportunities that may come your way. I also am shaping myself as a person while I go to school, and shaping my spirit. I go to school to help me. It gives me joy and substance to my life to be a student and a mother. I’m proud to say I’m a mother, but I’m also proud to say I’m a student, and that I may never use my education for financial gain. Going to school has also helped us when we’ve been unemployed. My scholarship money and loan money has helped us through those times. Had I stopped when I was married, or once I had Lilah, I know we would be worse off financially. Also we’ve been told to get an education by the prophet. The church has set up the perpetual education fund to help our return missionaries gain educations to better their lives and to raise themselves and their families out of poverty.

I know psychology is kinda a fluff science, but had I chosen another degree, I wonder if I would be finishing in the Fall. I’ve been able to take so many classes on-line, and that has greatly blessed and forwarded my education. I really just want a degree. Since I may never use it in the career world, why not take what I’ve been given. Granted I may have changed majors had other degree’s been available on-line, but this one works for me and my needs.

In reality it seems nice to be able to say that the state paid me for my education. Through the 5 1/2 years of scholarships, grants, and now tuition reimbursement with Jon working there, it’s covered any expenses of fees, books, or gas. So even if I get no financial gain later, I have already gotten financial gain now by going. Not to mention my testimony which has strengthened through getting an education and enduring other trials while pursuing one.

To sum it all up. I don’t want to use my education to get gain in this life financially, I want to use it to improve myself so I can e a better mother and wife, not to mention the security of at least having a four year degree.

One Response to “Schooling”

  1. Amber Says:

    Ditto your entire reasons for going to school and never ‘working’ (at least for money). I’m proud of you! Keep up the good work.