busy, busy

Oh how time flies when you’re cleaning. I thought I had time to breath so I cleaned on Tuesday and Wednesday…I should have done more studying…but I’ll do that today and tomorrow. I have a lot to do and so little time.

Monday I was able to finish my skirt, get the button holes on Lilah’s dress and the flowers. Now only the buttons and hand sewing on Eden’s. I’m so excited for the wedding!
Today is my four year anniversary to be married to Jon. I can’t believe it’s been four years. Time flies when you’re in a good, happy relationship. We’re going to the Memphis Championship BBQ. It’s a restaurant Jon found on-line last night and is fairly close to where we live. We also want to go somewhere different, and I wanted meat. So hopefully it’s good.

More Eden news
One reason I have this blog is to note the little changes of my girls…
Sunday I noticed Eden’s first tooth!! Warning TMI coming– I don’t know if it’s just me knowing she has a tooth, or if it really is interfering when she nurses, but my nipples are sorer when she nurses. Lilah ‘s teeth never bothered me…except the two times she tried to bite me, but she responded to my warnings and didn’t do it after a couple of times…but Eden’s mouth is closed more when she nurses compared to Lilah’s, so I wonder if I get more pressure put on by her gums, now tooth, though hypothetically, the tongue should always be over the gums or teeth, but I don’t think Eden always does that.
She’s also started babbling mamamamma this week!! I know she doesn’t know what she’s saying, but it’s fun anyways.

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