On the move, army crawl style
I’d just like to note that Eden is now going everywhere we go. Well relatively. She now comes into the bathroom with me, she loves our bath mat. She loves following us down the hall when Lilah has to go potty and she likes to go onto the dinning area and eat the foot of the chairs. Plus she was exploring our kitchen and when she heard me come up behind her she started to move as fast has she could to the trash can, where she likes to play with the bag. I’m just not ready for this explorative little girl. Now I can’t expect he to stay on one area. I have to use blockades if I don’t want her to go somewhere or shut the doors. I guess it was inevitable. Life as I know it has changed. She’s also getting into the sitting position from her belly, but sometimes she loses her balance and falls backwards, so I’m needing to keep an eye on her all the time now. I suppose I should have given her more sitting up time, but she always has fun on her belly so that’s where I put her. Which brings me to another problem. She won’t stay on her back for anything. I wish they made diapers that fastened in the back because she is always on her belly by the time I get her little bottom wiped. Sometimes giving her a toy works, but it doesn’t last much past three changes. What seems the best is to have her big sister there to distract her. She just loves Lilah and Lilah loves her. There are times she won’t take a nap unless she sees Lilah before she goes down. There are times that her and Lilah just laugh at on another for the silliest things. Lilah was blowing raspberries at Eden and Eden was just laughing her head off. I hope they keep a good relationship as they grow, but only time will tell.