I’m doing a pampered chef party on the 24th of June. My goal is to have two sets of drapes made… and maybe the ones for my bedroom. Well see. I need a good fabric sale to go on before I buy any fabric for the bedrrom drapes, or I need my ad for JoAnn’s that gives me 40 % off one item. I don’t think sewing costs less unless you get everything on sale. Otherwise you still pay around the same price, not including labor, for a project.
I probably wouldn’t do the party except Kristi now sells Pampered Chef and I want to help her networking.
This was my hardest semester by far. I’ll be getting a C in my History class, which is all I hoped for. I could have done better…but that would have taken more effort…(sigh…roll of eyes)…but I did okay. It was a hard class and very time intensive. I set my goal at passing the class with a C and that is what I did. I’ve learned that where you aim, will be where you fall. On the bright side I’ll be getting an A in my Women’s class! Not sure for my English and Psychology class, though I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting B’s.
It wasn’t a bad semester, but I’ve definitely had better. I feel that I didn’t try hard enough. I suppose it goes back to having certain things come easy. I’m naturally able to get good grades by working just a little (being B average) in most of my classes, and when I apply myself I can get great grades (being an A average). I’ve enjoyed getting the A’s in classes and applying myself. The classes in which I like my teachers, or if it’s a course in which other students don’t do well, such as statistics (at least most psychology majors don’t do well with stats.) I study and work and I receive A’s sometimes A-‘s. It’s nice to get good grades. If I have a personality conflict with the teacher, I don’t try as hard, so I get B’s and occasionally a C. I really didn’t like my history teacher. I had to deal with him when I worked in Distance Ed on campus, so I had a grudge against him before the class even started. Then it was soo much reading, his lectures took forever for me to watch and take notes, and he wanted detailed postings each week. He actually gave us the opportunity to revise and post the DP’s until today… but I thought I missed the deadline and then I did miss the deadline. (He posted the grade scale and made it sound final and then I found the posting that said we had until five to post the DP’s , and it was 4:55…sigh… oh well). I suppose I’ve labeled myself as average for so long that it feels good to be above average and know that I’m capable of that, so it stinks to get a C. I also know how many afternoons I took a nap or watched TV instead of studying, so I feel bad that I didn’t have more self control.
I’m happy that I passed.
I’m happy that I was able to complete the semester without causing bodily harm to myself or my children.;) I love them but they can be hard to deal with under pressure.
I’m grateful for all the nights Jon watched the girls so I could study.
I’m grateful for the few afternoons my parents watched the girls so I could watch lectures.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to go to school. I suppose it gives me a level of validation in my life.
I’m glad the semester is over and I pleased with most of my grades.