Letter to Lilah
Dear Lilah,
I can’t believe you’re three. It strange how you’ve been apart of my life for just three years. It’s seems like I’ve always had you, but our time is still beginning. You’re getting older and opinionated. You surprise us with your incredible memory and you show amazing patience for your litter sister at times. There are plenty of moments when I am impatient with you, and plenty of moments when you are impatient with me. I hope we can find patience together and learn to appreciate each other’s strengths. You are an amazing child. Your are so easy to care for yet so difficult at other times. You spoil me with you continual forgiveness and I try not to be hurt when the only person you want is Daddy. You have a special bond with him and we all wish we could spend more time with him. You love to read and at times I think I should buy some books on tape for you. You are becoming your own person and I delight in your growth. I’m still amazed that I have you. I love you deeply. Happy Birthday my little one.