I’m the tough parent. Jon’s the soft one. Not that it’s bad or good. It just stinks.รย Lilah didn’t want to go to nursery this Sunday. No particular reason. She just wanted to go home and take a nap. (she’s never had this problem until we went to Ely and her and Jon only stayed for sacrament.) Jon went to class with Eden. I took Lilah to the bathroom and then she was upset and not wanting to go to nursery. I tried having her sit on some steps with me but I felt that she was getting to much attention, because I’m a control freak and I wanted her to sit forward, fold her arms etc. Really I was just trying to make her miserable so she would want to go to nursery and play. Well I tried to take her in and she just threw a fit and cried and followed me to the door so then it was time out. I just wanted her to go to nursery. I know I pull away from her. She seems so demanding and I feel that I give her attention so I wonder what it is that makes her so demanding or so upset. I just don’t know. Well I heard the bell and I figured Jon would probably be wondering where I was…since we were outside and not easily seen. So I took Lilah to him. I told him not to be soft. Sure he got results but he was soft and gave her attention…right. I just hate it sometimes when he has more patience to deal with her. I blame it on that he’s not around her 24 hours a day.รย Well she was in timeout… on his lap and eventually they went in….and she was allowed her to bring her blanket…and I think he may have left her, but it may have been close to leaving time so he may have stayed.รย He’s just soft.รย I withdrawal. It’s how I deal with her. I just feel so pulled and I don’t want to spoil her. I feel like she’s being spoiled rather than independent. Since it’s General conference next week this will probably make the week after just as hard. He says it’s better not to make it a battle if wills. Then she can get over it and move on rather then remember the traumatic moments of her mother making her stand in time out. (I added the mother making her stand in timeout…he doesn’t point fingers.) I see his point. I’m just stubborn…as you all know.
Oh…I am separating Lilah and Eden at nap time now. Lilah goes in my bed. Sometimes I take a nap with her. It mostly works..except the days that Lilah doesn’t sleep…but she has slept better. The only thing now is Lilah tries to climb into bed at night time. She got in Saturday night on Jon’s side. He’s usually too tired to put her back in her bed. Last night it was 6…I took her back. She came back at 7:10 or was light out so she can sleep in the least that’s what she said..and it sounded okay to me. Jon was in the shower so she just took his spot. She’s nice and warm to cuddle up to.
September 29th, 2006 at 9:08 pm
Jack gets to sleep with me when Brien is gone, so when Brien is home sometimes he tries to start off the night with us. We make him lay in his bed and then he sneaks on our bed around 2am, when we are fast asleep. If he makes us uncomfortable then he may get pushed around, perhaps even pushed off. He growls at us and then ends up back on our bed before we wake up at 6am.
March 12th, 2007 at 3:56 pm
[…] If you’ve read my blog in past months or the past year, you know that I sometimes have a hard time with Lilah. We just don’t always get along and I get annoyed, frustrated and mostly overbearing towards her. Well I’ve been working on it but there are still times that really frustrate me. Jon doesn’t see her crying as her trying to manipulate and get her own way, he’s able to brush it off and ignore it. I don’t do so well. I like to stop the manipulative crying and it bothers me to let her cry it out when it is her just trying to get her way, even though we’ve explained things to her. Luckily we’ve had fewer moments where this has happened. For the most part Lilah and I’ve gotten along well enough or I’ve been able to keep her form crying when she just wants her way so we avoid the frustrating scene. I think I’m being more clear in the rules and I think she’s understanding that I demand more respect from her and I’m trying to give her more. […]