
Last Saturday we got family pictures done. Can I say I never realized how hard it is to get my two girls to smile at the same time, especially by a stranger. Lilah just stared at him until he started bonking his head with a toy and would say oh. Then she was so excited, or nervous, that her tongue would stick out. Here are the pictures we decided to get and I put some of the others because it shows our adventures in getting smiles. I don’t know why I want more kids…it just adds to the number of people and the length of time it will take to get a descent picture of all of us.

Jon wanted this one because Eden was playing with her hair and it looks like bunny ears. It’s so Eden becasue she constantly plays with her hair.

Here are the one we didn’t get copies of. If you want one of these…let us know and well send you a bill with the picture. ๐Ÿ™‚

As I look at this one it makes me want it instead of the second one we ordered of Eden.

I wanted this one taken because we have one of Lilah like this, but Eden’s pants are so long that it just looks bad.

We didn’t know how much Marie, an old family friend, spoiled us. She would give us free sittings, free smiles by wire, how we have these on-line copies, each sheet for $3.99 and then she would order more and give us the ones that they show you when you pick up your order, in hopes that you’d buy more. This time we had to get the portrait club card because it gives us free sittings for two years, a savings of $50-70 if we have a third child. Then we only get what we order, but we had the coupon for $3.99 a sheet, instead of $9.99. We did order enough to give to some to immediate family…I am terrible about giving pictures though. I have all of ours from last year when Eden is two months old. In part because they change so fast…now Eden will mostly look like what she does now so I feel more comfortable giving them out.

5 Responses to “Smile”

  1. Andrea Says:

    Those are the most adorible photos of two little girls ever. The one of Eden before her standing is just the cutest. Your kids make those without nervous that we may not be able to take our own in public.

  2. Andrea Says:

    Actually, that 1st comment is from Brien. Now Andrea really says: fabulous pictures, I love Eden’s little “model” pose. She looks fabulous, darling, absolutely fabulous! I agree that you should switch your 2nd Eden picture.

    Now on to Lilah, I can’t believe how grown up she looks. I think I prefer some of her poses in the “discarded” photos. I love the open mouth and the cute leaning to one side. Her individual portrait is great! She is so pretty and has such beautiful eyes.

    Make sure you pass the compliments on to the recipients. By the way you and Jon look fine as well. ;o)

  3. Shauntae Says:

    These pictures are so adorable! I can’t really pinpoint a fave of the pictures of the girls because I love each one in different ways. I actually prefer when kids’ pictures have more life in them like these do, those really posed ones you see in the studio just look so rigid. I do have a fave of your family all together though, and it happens to be one in your “discard” pile. ๐Ÿ™‚ The one where you and Jon have your heads close together, and Lilah has an open smile with her head on her shoulder and Eden has a cute smirk…you guys just look so lovey and like you’re all having fun. I have to give you props on the outfit/ color choices, they all blend together really well. That’s always one of the stressful parts of family pictures for me, and it is also my pet peeve when the colors clash.
    My other photo pet peeve is very common, and I call it the floating head: it usually happens when there are 3 or more kids, when the photographer sits the parents side by side with a kid BEHIND them so they look like a little floating head in between their parents’ shoulders, usually with the other 2 or more kids in front of the parents. I have hardly ever seen a family picture I liked where there was a kid behind the parents. I happen to find a way to inform every photographer we’ve ever had about this so it never occurs in our portraits. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Is It Naptime Yet » Blog Archive » Rebels without at cause Says:

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  5. Is It Naptime Yet » Blog Archive » Family pictures 2007 Says:

    […] ร‚ย How the girls have grown from a year ago. […]