Yeah, I took a nap.
Today I was exhausted. I tried to sleeping during Curious George, but it never really is that restful to sleep with the girls awake. After lunch Lilah wanted to play with her beads and I have a rule of them being played with on our bed. (One so Eden can’t reach them, two they don’t roll all over the place.) Well I was playing with Lilah and the bed mojo must have gotten to me and I had to get some sleep. So I put the girls down at 2 and I went to get some shut eye on the couch. Our phone rang twice…one was an 866 number the second my was my sister Kristi, it was only 2:16 when I hung up with her, but frankly I felt that I had been a sleep for more like half an hour. Before I went back to dream land I didn’t hear Lilah but I did hear Eden…but there was not enough noise to keep me awake or wake me up. About four o’clock Lilah comes walking out, timidly with her blanket in her hands and thumb in her mouth. I ask her if she took a nap and she says yeah I took a nap. Because of the way she was walking I’m pretty sure she had not taken one…it was in the “are you going to put me back to bed?” walk…the one she does at night time when she gets out of bed. She also said Eden was awake and now I have two girls out and awake. I have no proof that they did take a nap and none that they didn’t since I didn’t check in on them before I fell asleep. I’m airing on that Lilah didn’t because Lilah rarely takes shorter than a 3 hour nap and she has been awake for 2 1/2 hours before falling asleep, plus as I said her timid walk when she came out. I think Eden may have, she seems rested, she usually makes a lot of noise if she’s awake, and her afternoon nap is only about an hour long. I’m still exhausted. I know that afternoon naps usually do not help me unless I get 2 1/2 -3 hours…I think that’s my sleep cycle length, and I hate when I’m so tired…I just sleep the day away…but sometimes it’s nice to just sleep the day away.
I suppose the good thing is we can hopefully put them down for bed early so I can cut Jon’s hair tonight.
October 19th, 2006 at 2:56 am
I love naps- but lately I’ve been waking up with headaches when I nap in the afternoon. Bummer.