My fantasy

As I wiped down my stove this morning, which needs a much needed deep cleaning of the trays, I fantasized about having a day without my girls for cleaning. Then I thought it would be wonderful to have Jon home so he could do all the things that I have no clue what to do with. Like his memorabilia and the bills…I hate filing…I thought how wonderful it would be to get rid of things that we’re keeping for “just in case”.( like some lamps…and some baby clothes that I really didn’t have Eden wear…so I should probably just get rid of them. I just bought some space bags online…I’m now excited because I hope it will help with our space problem.)
My first day fantasy cleaning would be Jon and I organizing and down sizing. I’ve gotten rid of a lot of clothes since we’ve been in this house, but it’s not enough and I need to get rid of more shoes ๐Ÿ™ Then as Lilah grows we have even more clothes to store. It’s just chaos. I want a day with my honey cleaning and organizing and then I can have the next day all to myself for the major cleaning and scrubbing down of the house. Jon hates it because I’m a mass cleaner. I get bothered or I just get an urge and I clean the whole bathroom along with the whole kitchen…I don’t do small things, like the sinks one day and the toilets the next. I figure if I’m gonna get gross then I might as well do it all. I also need to be better about upkeep and I always hope with a clean slate, as in when everything’s clean, then maybe I can stick to a schedule and do little things each day, and once a week do a big chore, like the tubs or mopping the floors. Anyways. That’s my fantasy…to have a day alone with my husband cleaning. Now I just need someone to pawn my children onto. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maybe if I feel the house is organized and we find a place for everything…then I’ll be able to see that we have space for another child…even a boy…even if it brings a whole new area of storage into my life.

Together we have never been successful in getting everything organized, at least since we’ve been here…We get parts done and then life gets busy and things pile up again….I think the hardest problem is letting go…Jon has things he wants to keep and I have things I want to keep and then there are the things only one of us want to keep. I just want to find a back to my closet and a floor to my room. (It’s no that bad…but I want things to be better.) We’re not complete slobs…most of the time anyways. I like to think that on most days friends would feel comfortable in my home…but I want to be comfortable in my room…and that’s where much of the space problem is…in our room.
Sorry…I’m sure cleaning is boring…but this is one area of stress in my life. I feel a little powerless also because there are times I organize but feel I get no where…or I don’t know what to do with stuff, such as Jon’s things, or we need more dresser space…(have I said how we went from two to one dresser when we moved last year.) It’s just crazy and I don’t like feeling powerless to things…I mean they’re just things…I should be able to take control. I know the space bags aren’t a godsend…but I’m hoping it downsizes our clothing storage a little and blanket storage. I think that could help tons.

2 Responses to “My fantasy”

  1. ambah Says:

    Um, yeah. The cleaning organizing bug must be in the air. I feel your pain. Except now I’ve got more space so theoretically I should have a place for everything right? Um, yeah. Sucks. At least you’re like super busy with classes and stuff on top of mommying. I don’t have that so I should be able to get on top of stuff. I have the time- I just don’t have the inclination. If the choices are clean the bathroom or read blogs you’d better believe I’m not cleaning the bathroom… So- my problem is that I’m lazy. How do I get over that?

    Also space bags… hmm- not the complete answer you’re hoping probably. Maybe- but I found them hard to store once they’re filled and sucked. Mostly because it’s not like they suck nice and flat like the commercials- instead they get all lumpy and stuff… So- there’s my $1.45 worth of thoughts.

  2. Jon Blake Says:

    I must recommend The Now Habit by Neil Fiore. Most books on procrastination boil down to “you’re just not trying hard enough”. This book is different. It shows us how we’re looking at ourselves all wrong. Thinking you’re lazy is unproductive and simply no fun. We’re not lazy. Read the book, loose the guilt, and choose what you want to do with your time.

    Life’s too short for guilt.