Funny Lilah

We often talk to Lilah about not wasting. We need to eat all our food and not use too much toilet paper. (The main examples.) She always asks why we shouldn’t waste things and we tell her it costs money to buy food and toilet paper so we don’t want to waste them. I’ve even threaten talking money from her piggy bank if she was to continue wasting toilet paper. (It seems she find a new way to play and waste it at least once a month.)
Well she asked Jon the other day about why we shouldn’t waste food. He said it wasted money, and her reply was “I want to waste my money at Chuck E’ Cheese. That would be fun.”ร‚ย  Maybe on Lilah day we’ll got to Chuck E’ Cheese and let her buy.:)

2 Responses to “Funny Lilah”

  1. Andrea Says:

    I like to waste money at pizza places too.

  2. Carolyn Says:

    I will let Lilah waste my money with the mouse. Thats my favorite thing to do!!!