Family reunion 2007 Pictures
I know you all have been dying to see the family reunion pictures. ๐
Well they’re mostly of my little family and kids and from the beginning of the reunion. Turns out I took twice as many of the fire than we did of the reunion. People sitting around talking just isn’t very interesting, or if we were doing something interesting we weren’t able to take pictures due to having our hands full!
Anyways here’s our photo’s from the trip.
The red sun we encoutered outside of Beaver. 7/6/07
The smoke outside of Beaver- 7/6/07
Eden as a suitcase.
Sick Lilah.:(
My Aunt Sherri and Uncle Bud.
Craft table- cousin Nicole (Bud and Sherri’s granddaughter.) nephew Howie.
Me, Andrea and Brien- Brien Decorated their sunglasses
Eden in the apron we got there and with her bracelet/ tattoo that Brien put on her.
Katy decoratecd herself. She was trying to run away from Jon when he took this picture.
Tasty popsicles- where’s the apron when you need it?
The drive home
Fields we passed.
The side of the road before we hit the detour.
The detour begins- we’re on the I-70 when I took this picture.
Beautiful scenery until we hit traffic.
Our fate. Slow, snail paced traffic for about an hour and then heavy highway traffic.
Pretty rock cliffs.
That’s our picture overview. We’re not always good at taking pictures, but you saw some cute kids.:)