Random Pictures

I decided to put up random pictures I’ve taken lately. ๐Ÿ™‚


Lilah decided to draw Heavenly Father, or she drew this picture and then decided, I’m not sure.



The girls watching a movie. I thought it was sweet with them lying next to one another and Lilah letting Eden play with her hair, which she never does.



The decided to pile up all their toys in this corner.



Eden relaxing on the toys.



Eden being silly.



The evolution of tan in our house. Eden’s our tan baby, Lilah’s getting tan and I’m pale, but I am tanning a little, you can see my flip flop tan line.



Eden was crying while I took our leg picture. She wanted to see the pictures I had taken, not sit there for one more.




3 Responses to “Random Pictures”

  1. Nice neice Says:

    Thanks for posting the pics, it’s fun to see my cutie cousins! Lilah is a very good artist, I love that picture.
    It is also adorable that Lilah let Eden play with her hair like that, such sweet sisters.
    I recognize that tan mouse with the yellow belly as one of Jon’s when he was little, I can’t believe he still has that!
    Your other pics are so fun….I especially laughed at the “evolution of tan”, you’re so funny. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Ps-I love that you took a picture of Eden crying…I believe in having pictures of the sad times too. We have one of a screaming Ethan, at about 18 months old, right after he jumped into the full tub with all his clothes on!
    PPs- I enjoyed the pics of your reunion trip too, that must’ve been freaky to be so close to the fires.

  2. Lacey Says:

    When I was posting this Eden said, “Eden crying” I was surprised that she knew or remembered that she was crying and not just playing peek-a-boo in that last picture. I found her being hunch over crying too cute.
    Also Lilah never lets Eden play with her hair. Eden tries pretty regularly to play with anyone’s hair since she loves to play with hair, but Lilah always gets mad, so I was a pretty surprised she let her. I find them sitting closely on the couch quite often lately and I find it too cute to see sisterly closeness. They both like to cuddle with Jon or I if we’re on the couch, but they’ve only recently started allowing each other to be close to one another on the couch. I think zoning out watching TV lessens the arguing as long as Eden doesn’t block Lilah’s view of the TV.
    The mouse is one of the few toys Jon has from his childhood. Lately Lilah has taken to sleeping with stuffed animals and that’s one of them.

  3. Lacey Says:

    Also, the fire was more interesting than scary since they did detour us before we got too close. I saw a bush just beginning to go up in flames as we drove past it, the top of it had just begun burning. (I would have taken a picture but we drove past to quickly.) I was a little sad to see all the burnt land, but I always keep in mind that fire is how the land renews itself.