Pictures- not of the kids though ;)

We’ve got our camera back from Cannon.
Actually we got a camera of equal or greater value that has been refurbished, I can say it’s nicer than ours was, since they didn’t have the parts or whatever.
This makes it nice for me cause I was wanting a new one,  but couldn’t justify why since  ours still worked, or was getting fixed for free.
(I was kinda glad it stopped working thinking I could get  a new one, but Jon researched that they fix them if it was a defect. Anyways.)

I sewed my first hooded towel this week. We got tons of towels from our wedding. This was the only ivory towel, hand towel and wash cloth so I thought I’d make a hooded towel for the girls and then I thought I’d give it has a gift. I like it a lot and almost want to keep it.




So I spent money on ribbon and thread and that was it. I’m giving it has a baby shower gift for a baby shower I won’t be able to attend.
Too bad all our other towels don’t have hand towels to make hoods or they are not colors I’d use for kids.
But I really liked how it turned out and I plan on making hooded towels  as Christmas gifts for the girls that I wanted to make back in April for Easter. :)  My mom never embroidered their names on them, so I may just add ribbons.

When I was doing a little research on how to do it I came across many sites. One site had that they’re easy and if she needs a baby shower gift in a pinch she uses towels they have.
I thought that was yucky.
Used towels as a gift, just sewn together. Gross.

Also Here’s also a picture of the shelf I bought and put together almost completely on my own.


It’s nice because it gives us more shelf space for books in the living room.
I do worry because Eden at first was just pulling all the books of the shelf, or really wasn’t even letting Lilah put them on the shelf, but I think she’s got the hang of getting one book down and putting it way before getting another one down. Though she still grabs 3-4, but I’d rather 3 or 4 than a pile.

One Response to “Pictures- not of the kids though ;)”

  1. Elizabeth J. Says:

    I – LOVE – THAT – SHELF! I love good will finds. Sooo cute.