Neighborhood cats
I think I’ve mentioned how we have a/ some neighborhood cats that come and poop in our yard and sandbox.
We’ll we’ve finally done something about it.
We bought a cage to catch the cat(s) and within two days we’ve got one.
I’m going to call animal control Friday morning to hopefully have them haul it away soon.
It has no collar, so I don’t feel too bad.
It is a nuisance to have it’s pee killing our grass during the green months and poop where I want my children to play.
Lilah was excited at the thought of catching a cat. She wanted to pet it, but we reminded her we don’t pet animals we don’t know and even though we’re catching the cat we’re not keeping it.
Since we bought the cage I’m thinking of renting it out on Craiglists. (With the humane society it was a $100 deposit and $10 a day.)
I figure a refundable deposit worth what we bought the cage for, so if they keep it we’re not out any money, plus just $5 or $10 total for using it, and until we run out of cat food we’ll even throw that in too.
My friend Anna has a couple strays she wants to have caught that come around her house so I already have my first costumer, though I wouldn’t charge her.
February 7th, 2008 at 10:35 pm
Ugg, I hate random stray cats (or cats who’s owners let them run wild). Yay for catching one!
February 7th, 2008 at 11:32 pm
I too am in need of this. So funny you should mention it. We seriously have about 5 or more cats that use our planter boxes for napping as well as our grass, they fight, I loathe them! And I am normally a cat person – indoor cat person that is. My mom has 2 of them. Although I am thinking I am becoming allergic because I have had several bad episodes. I couldn’t pay you but I’d be willing to trade you for babysitting!! I’m desperate to get rid of those cats!
February 11th, 2008 at 9:13 am
We caught another cat this weekend.
It was more feisty so I’m pretty sure the first knew people.
February 11th, 2008 at 5:05 pm
We had a cat problem at blackberry. We may have one here too but don’t know it because we have no lawn to mow. Good luck with catching cats. They are disgusting!