6 years

Our sixth year anniversary is this Saturday.
I can’t believe how the time passes.

My friend Elizabeth made a video for her husbands birthday and it inspired me to do this for our anniversary, especially since Jon told me to be cheap for his present.

Well, I was cheap and I created this to remind you of the fun we’ve had Sweetie!

The song is one I love, Dixie Chicks Easy Silence, even though some of the lyrics don’t go with an anniversary video, but it makes me happy to sing along with it and it reminds me of my husband and our relationship.

I’m not one for withholding surprises so I’ve posted it early, in which I’ve been asking if I could show him the surprise since Monday!

I was also worried that two little girls might spill the beans. I told Lilah it was a surprise and Eden nothing, cause she’s two, and at dinner when Jon came home Monday Eden started saying how you and mommy got married and then Lilah said it was a surprise. :oops:

I now know that I must keep it from them if I want nothing said, but for Lilah’s credit she didn’t say anything detailed.

I love you dear!

5 Responses to “6 years”

  1. Jonathan Blake Says:

    Thank you! Very well done. It’s fun to remember those times. I’m surprised you were able to find that many pictures with me in them. Happy almost anniversary!

  2. Lacey Says:

    It was a little hard to find so many pictures with you in them.
    You either aren’t home or are the one taking the picture. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Elizabeth J. Says:

    Very sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love that song, too! Happy Anniversary! Six years!!! Wow ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Jonathan Blake Says:

    If I made a video for you, Happy Together would be on the shortlist for musical accompaniment, despite how nerdy the Turtles look to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. nice niece Says:

    Love Love Love the video! You did an awesome job. Some of my faves included: your adorable wedding pics, the family portraits, Jon with a beard, Lacey in glasses, Lilah with the fuzzy hair, brand new Eden and…ok I just loved them all! Oh yeah, the one where you are all lying down and holding the camera above your heads. Oh, and the tatoos. See, I told you I love them all. ๐Ÿ™‚