Memory Lane

While looking for the pictures I just posted I ran across these other home photo’s.

Halloween 1985- Andrea’s a robot Scott, I’m not sure what he is, Glenn is some masked cowboy, I am a scarecrow, Carolyn is a pumpkin with cool orange hair, and Kristi is a butterfly or a fairy.
We used old coffee cans that were painted with a rope for a handle. I remember my handle breaking one year and being so sad.


I’m grumpy in the above photo- I believe there was one of me just like this on a Christmas ornament that has since lost the picture, I should replace that lost photo with this one

All of the following were taken in 1986.

Our backyard on Nellis AFB.
We would walk around on the fence and loved our back yard. There was a mulberry tree that we would pick mulberries from and a pine tree that had ant hills next to it. We’d sit in the wheelbarrow watching them and my brothers would catch them in jars.


This is Kristi’s 7th birthday. My mom made the cake and we still have the Wonderwoman cake pan and face thing, I’m pretty sure anyways. I’m in the green clover/flower dress.

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Andrea’s 9th birthday.


Me sitting at the table being cute.



The bed my father made for me.

It was from a crib mattress and there was a dresser that went with it that lasted until the Edison house, or maybe 5-8 years, since I eventually outgrew the blue dresser with ducks and hearts on it.

Thus concludes the photo’s from my childhood. I mainly have class photos and then ones I take as I get older.

10 Responses to “Memory Lane”

  1. brien Says:

    That robot sure is cute.

  2. nice niece Says:

    These pictures are awesome. And I would LOVE a Wonder Woman cake!

  3. Lacey Says:

    I just noticed in the picture of Kristi’s birthday cake there is Mocha Mix on the table. That was the ‘ice cream’ I grew up eating for the first 9 years of my life since we had milk allergies, or so the doctor said.

    If my mom still has the pan I would totally make the Wonder Woman cake for you next time you’re down nice niece.

  4. Julie Says:

    How cute!! I love Carolyn’s pumpkin hair!! It’s hard to imagine that life was ever like that, you know??

  5. nice niece Says:

    WOO HOO! ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. andrea Says:

    I’m sorry to disappoint, but I think I have the Wonder Woman cake pan. Mom was trying to get rid of some of the Wilton pans and Brien and I took various superheroes.

    In the Halloween picture Scott is a ninja. I think Glenn was the Lone Ranger (did that character where a mask) and Kristi is a butterfly princess.

    One of my favorite memories from the Stafford Dr. house (Nellis AFB house) was camping out in tents in the backyard in the summer time. Also climbing the neighbors pine tree because it was taller than ours. I saw some beautiful sunsets from that backyard.

  7. Mary Says:

    I love old pictures and the things in the background.

  8. Lacey Says:

    Am I the only one who thinks the trivet in Andrea’s cake photo looks like a profile of Joseph Smith?

    So could I borrow that cake pan the next time I see you and then I’ll make it when Shauntae next visits us? Or I’ll make her visit us. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I loved camping in the tents, and having root beer floats after dad would make root beer for some Wood Badge thing and “baking” bread with flour and water. That stuff tasted bad.

    I remember the tree and I remember a collie next door that I would curly up and sleep with though that neighbor moved when I was young.

    Dad also had great rose bushes at this house. I loved taking roses to my teachers.

  9. nice niece Says:

    Me: “Nick, I need $175.”
    Nick: “Wow, what for?”
    Me: “Lacey’s going to make me a Wonder Woman cake…I need to fly to Vegas.”
    ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™„ ๐Ÿ˜›

    Well, I am turning 30 this year…I’ll put a family trip to Vegas on my wish list!

  10. andrea Says:

    Lacey, I thought the same thing about the trivet, but I believe it is actually a sideways tea kettle (tilt your head to the left).

    It makes me look a bit unloved, Kristi got Wonder Woman and I had a plain cake just a month later.