Who Eden looks like.

As I keep looking at this picture of the girls I keep thinking about this other picture of me as a child with my older brother Scott.



I was just over 2 when it was taken, or October 1985, but you can definitely see the family resemblance.

Here’s a closer look.


And just for fun here’s another picture of me as a kid taking a bath. I was just too cute.


6 Responses to “Who Eden looks like.”

  1. Carolyn Says:

    Hello Eden’s twin.

  2. nice niece Says:

    Wow! You two really do look so much alike. I really see it…in the nose, the eyes, even the little smirk! How cute!

  3. Is It Naptime Yet » Blog Archive » Transition Says:

    […] Jon made this video of Eden and me with the two pictures. […]

  4. Julie Says:

    Lacey!! The only difference is the hair and eye color… CRAZY!!

  5. andrea Says:

    I’m happy you posted the pictures to show the resemblance. I told you she looks just like you.

    It also makes me smile that you are wearing socks with sandals. You set the trend that Utah followed.

  6. Carolyn Says:

    I believe our mother is from Utah, I believe we all were cursed to at some point wear socks with sandals. ๐Ÿ˜‰