A little more chipper

I’m feeling a little more chipper today.
I’ve continued to organize my house, mostly our books. I played with Eden while Lilah sat on the toilet for like an hour and had a nice cup of iced chai green tea today after lunch. I’m feeling a little more myself.

Last night I gave Jon some alone time and took the girls to Britta’s dance recital. Britta wanted Lilah there when it was first announced and I knew that the Lee’s would also be in it so we went.

Lilah had fun. At times she was mimicking the dancers. I think she would like dance but I’m torn. I kinda like gymnastics but I also like dance, but with Eden approaching the age of being able to start classes we can’t afford $120 every 6 weeks to have them both in dance and gymnastics not to mention the cost of dance and tap shoes for Lilah and Eden once she turns five also.

In the fall Lilah can decide to do dance instead of gymnastics, Sam doesn’t teach during the summer, and we’ll see what Eden wants to do too.

I mentioned earlier that Lilah was on the toilet for like an hour this morning. I’m not exaggerating. I think she might have a UTI. She had to go to the bathroom 3 times during the one hour dance recital. Of course the second time nothing came out and the third time I made her go by herself so I’m not sure. Then during church on Sunday she went 4 times in the 3 hour block. I don’t know what’s going on with her.

I’m finally working with on Lilah writing her name properly. She can kinda right her name, but not properly.

She’s also read the first 4 Bob Books by herself. I’m making progress with her and even though I admit I’m not the most consistent, I think this homeschooling thing might work out OK for us.

2 Responses to “A little more chipper”

  1. carolyn Says:

    Get her some cranberry juice girl!!!
    If you need some girl time with out the girls we can do a movie this weeekend, my treat. Talk to your hubby and see if you can get Sat. off. I will ask Julie if she can get off too.

    Sounds like Lilah will learn after all.

  2. nice niece Says:

    Those books look so cute. Keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ™‚