The obvious

This morning I asked Lilah what the letter and number of the day were on Sesame Street. She couldn’t remember what they were and said:
“It must have been a letter in the Alphabet.”

I think it must have been one of the 26 letters.

Then she started counting and saying it had to be one of those numbers.

Jon stayed home for Lilah’s birthday. We had been up very late the night before. (I was working on a video for Lilah til 3 am that I can’t get loaded on Google. Arg, Google video right now.) Eden was in our room playing and I made the comment that Mommy and Daddy were still trying to rest so could she go to the living room? Her reply.

“But it’s morning. It’s time to get up.”

I really wish you could have heard how she said it because that’s what made it really cute.

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