Where does the time go?

For one of the the first times in my life, I’m really busy, or at least a lot busier than I would like to be and on a regular basis, at least for the time being.

Last week was a little crazy. We had swimming lessons, visiting Jon’s parents, a new class for Lilah, shopping for Eden’s friend party, Eden’s friend party, Eden Day at Chuck E’ Cheese and then Saturday, which was spent doing random things while I waited for the thunderstorm to pass so I could turn on the computer to work on my lesson for Sunday and the FHE lesson for my family, which was Sunday afternoon.

It’s been a little chaotic around here.

Yesterday was the climax of everything and today I decided to do the things that have been driving me up the wall.

Our house has been super cluttered lately with the new gifts coming in, stuff we buy, and then the regular papers and things that are already piled up. Worst of all my floors were so gross that I, myself, had just stopped sweeping because what’s the point when cupcake or bread crumbs will just continue to flow to the floor after each meal and the spots on the floor just match the crumbs. It wasn’t totally disgusting, but it was really bothering me. Jon could have cared less, or he said it wasn’t that bad.

So today I did stuff. Lots of stuff. I cleaned my kitchen, mostly, which included really cleaning the sink, not just a wipe down after doing dishes. Cleaning my stove top and wiping down counters. I got the crayon that had transferred from Britta’s seat out of the head rest and now I just have to clean the seat and my drivers side mat from when I stepped in gum.
I organized some bookshelves so I could find a place to store the puzzles Eden got from Carolyn and I organized the girls toy shelves to make room for new things. I read stories, gotร‚ย  Eden down for her nap, I got a short nap, Lilah no nap even though she’s been up since 5:30 am.

I’ve also vacuumed my living room rug and mopped my floors. Lilah said I shouldn’t wear dirty shoes on the clean floor, but I’m pretty sure her feet are just has dirty as my shoes. Having dirty floors and piles of books and toys waiting for a spot was really stressful on me. Especially the dirty floors.

Now that I’ve had a good day of cleaning I feel prepared for the busy week ahead with more swimming lessons, a class for Lilah, a trip to the mechanic, and needing to go help my in-laws, which will be on a regular basis, or should be.

Luckily gymnastics is done till September. I’m hoping I get get Eden poop trained by the time it starts.

Where does the time go?

One Response to “Where does the time go?”

  1. Carolyn Says:

    You can come to my house. I looked under my couch last night for a bottle cap, yeah Derek has lost a few bottle caps down there and I noticed some popcorn and dust. I had trouble sleeping last night and I believe the dirt under the couch kept me up. I will be heading home to clean it as now I know, I feel dirty. I have put my house cleaning to the sidelines too, I have been working on the weekends and I find no time to clean. I might pay for someone to come by, want me to see if I can get a two for one deal? ๐Ÿ˜‰