
I’ve decided Trader Joe’s is one of the friendliest stores I’ve been to. The employees are friendly but so are the customers. I think shopping there you know you’re apart of a small group of people, that’s growing mind you, who try to be more aware of how the eat and what they consume or use, so people are just a little more friendly to each other. (Kinda like camping this weekend. People at the surrounding campsites were so nice because we were all there enjoying life and it was easier to be nice for some reason. Though my BIL, Brien, said people are friendly because they don’t want you to steal their stuff, but the hikers we encountered were also friendly. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Today I went to Trader Joe’s for a short trip and my cashier was so nice, which they all have been. I was shopping for my friend Sam also and asked for two separate transactions. He said sure and said how nice it was that I was getting things for my friend. He even gave me a ton of stickers to give to the girls when I asked. Then in the parking lot my shopping cart got away from me and it started rolling down hill at a high speed. I didn’t notice right away and I had to chase it so it wouldn’t hit the car it was aiming for. I caught it about 4 feet away, luckily there were no cars in the parking spots it rolled through, I would have felt so bad had I not noticed it missing soon enough. As I was taking it back a gentleman commented on it getting away from me and he finish taking it to the cart return area for me. I said thank you and went home happy knowing I had nearly caused and prevented a disaster, but also because of the friendliness I had encountered.

I really like Trader Joe’s. It’s just a happy place to go to.

One Response to “Friendly”

  1. nice niece Says:

    Isn’t it amazing how little things like that make all the difference? I love nice people.