Trip thus far

So yesterday, nearly afternoon, we left for Ely with my parents. My dad wanted to leave his house at 9 am but he didn’t wake up till 9, so I was ready by 10 am like I promised and I just let the girls watch TV until my parents showed.  ( While waiting I also had the girls hide pictures they had drawn for Daddy. They put them in the fridge and in his drawer. ) We got to Ely around 5 and enjoyed a nice evening at Andrea and Brien’s. After dark the girls, Andrea, and I watched the stars and we saw three shooting stars. It was beautiful and even though it’s not as dark as the woods, since there was no moon, we were able to see the Milky Way and enjoy the beautiful night sky.
Today Eden woke up at 7 am. Right on target. I got her ready and sent her with my parents, who went to Andrea’s, and I continued to get showered and dressed for the day. Lilah was woken at 8 when I moved her to the other room so I could blow dry my hair. She likes to sleep in, but mostly because she doesn’t get naps anymore. After getting dressed my dad came back for us and we went to Andrea’s for breakfast. It was delicious and Zarina was a doll.
We then hit the  road to travel to Ontario Oregon, where we’re staying. The girls did wonderful for the 8 hour drive. They “read” magazines and drew pictures. Then after lunch we let them watch Toy Story 2, their favorite movie. After the movie was over I told Eden it was time for her nap and she then cuddled in and went to sleep. She is somewhat use to being in the car at naptime and I often ask her to just go to sleep and she does. Lilah also fell asleep for a portion of the drive.
We got to Ontario around 6 pm our time and 7 their time. We then headed over to my aunt and uncle’s house for a small gathering before tomorrows reunion. That’s why I’m here, for my father’s family reunion. One of my cousin’s son, Nick who’s 9, is really cute. He was watching the kids and helping me get a movie for them inside. Eden was afraid of the bugs, and  since these ones do bite I don’t blame her, so we got a movie going inside so they we’re occupied and not just causing a ruckus. 
I am really not use to all the bugs. It’s funny ’cause just Wednesday with the other unschooling moms we were talking about places and how Las Vegas really has a nice dry climate with very few bugs and the ones we have don’t bite. I mean you do get bug bites, but you don’t get that many bug bites, if any. I really can’t recall the last bug bite I got that wasn’t from an ant.
I’m hoping the day will have fewer biting bugs, or we’re inside.
I’ll post pictures once home.

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