7 weird things

1. I hate drinking cold, like really cold, water. I like room temperature to cool.
2. I have to take off my wedding ring and dry it after I wash my hands. I can’t stand the feel of a wet wedding ring on my finger.
3. I still bite my nails, but that’s a little more gross than weird.
4. I wash dishes in a specific order and I prep them. I’m really annal about it and never just go and dive into washing dishes for the dishwasher.
5.ร‚ย  I hate taking baths. Bathtubs are gross, unless they are brand new and have never been used. Even right after they’ve been clean I find them gross ’cause there’s usually some residue of the cleaner left in it.
6. I have a vivid imagination about really crazy things. If Jon is ever late I get really worried and think of all the horrible things that might have happened to him.
7. I’m very fair skinned and proud of it. I hope to keep younger less wrinkled skin because I don’t try to tan.

I tag Anna, Elizabeth, Fallon, and Bethany.

I think I’m suppose to tag seven people, but many of my readers have already done this, or were tagged.

3 Responses to “7 weird things”

  1. carolyn Says:

    Funny thing- I agree and do items 1,2,4,5 and 6. You must come from good genes.

    Baths are really gross!! People sitting in their own dirt, GROSS!!

  2. carolyn Says:

    Also I have forbidden Derek from starting the dishwasher. I have to rearange the dishes to the order I like before they get washed. I have a certian order I like and will wash the dishes over if I find they were not in that order when washed. Am I nuts?

  3. Lacey Says:

    I think you are nuts and a little OCD, but I am not, even though you agree with many of the things I have OCD over.

    I only rearrange the dishes if I’m the one starting the load.

    One time I took out a big item that I don’t use regularly and put in more small items that I do use regularly and Jon got mad because he thought it had been washed, but it hadn’t, so he had to find a spot for it once again in the dishwasher since he was starting that load.

    I love that he does dishes and now I try to leave big items in when he loads the dishwasher.