Natural History Museum and other stuff.

On Saturday we went to the Las Vegas Natural History Museum. My sister Kristi was taking her family to celebrate my nephew’s birthday and they invited us along. I haven’t been since I was a kid, and Jon wanted to check it out, so we all went.

I didn’t take my camera, so no pictures, but the girls seemed to enjoy themselves. They weren’t freaked out by any of the stuff animals, though I slightly wanted to be, and they loved the fish tanks and shark exhibit. They have fake dinosaurs and the T- Rex makes a loud growl/noise and that freaked ’em out a little, but they just kept their ears covered and still enjoyed the dinosaur exhibit.

It was fun and I may buy a family pass there, since it relatively close and all indoors. I do like the Springs Preserve more, but you have a lot of walking outside, with the animal exhibit also outdoors, and as winter comes this might be a nice getaway, and it can be good for the summer too.ร‚ย  I debate between getting a pass to the Natural History Museum or the Children’s Museum. Both are a little ghetto, but all indoors, and it mostly depends on where they would have the most fun, for the least amount of money.

We came home and I tried to watch General Conference. They girls were either pretty loud with their coloring, or I was falling asleep once I got the laundry folded.

I went grocery shopping later that afternoon and used my three reusable bags and didn’t need any plastic bags. Since Eden is potty trained now we don’t need plastic bags to put diapers in, and now I’m trying to go green. It felt good to not waste any plastic bags. Now I just need to remember to bring my reusable bags in on regular shopping trips to Target or other stores.

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