Cold front

Last night a cold front came in. Jon’s been doing a graph with the girls where they record the temperature every night at 7:30. Thursday night it was 81 degrees, Friday night it was 69!

Today we’re suppose to be in the 60’s all day. Yikes! This is pretty normal for Vegas in the Fall. We get a large drop in temperature, then it usually warms up a little and then we getร‚ย  another drop and it stays colder though, it might warm up a little once again.

I was pulling out the long sleeves and pants and I realized I have nothing for Lilah but two shirts. All her clothes are 4T and even though her ankles look so cute peeking out the bottom of her too short pants, they just ain’t gonna work for winter.

Eden’s has a few 3T’s, but not a lot so I’m gonna have to beef up her wardrobe too.

I may do a little shopping today for the basics because I want to be prepared for the winter and I like clothes shopping, even if it’s for the girls and not me.

2 Responses to “Cold front”

  1. Elizabeth J. Says:

    It is so interesting how the same temperatures can feel so different depending on where you live. You guys are used to 80s to 60s are cold…this morning it was 67 here and I thought: “oh good – that’s nice and warm!!!”

    Can’t wait for those negative temperatures… ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Mary Says:

    Horray for the cold!!! I have the same clothing problem every season change.
    Maddy had a birthday so I had an excuse to buy clothing but now jacob’s really hurting, especially for church pants.
    At least we don’t have to buy a $60 coat and snow boots every year in unisex colors, so they can be passed down. Isn’t vegas wonderful????