A little bummed.
I lost our Target gift card, and it still had $40 on it. ๐
I used it to buy clothes and a few other things on Saturday, put it in my wallet with the receipt and now I can’t find it!
Eden and I went to Smith’s right after Target and then the girls and I went to Chuck E’ Cheese that night.รย I’m not sure where it went, but it is not in my purse or wallet.
I went to Target to exchange some clothes today after dance class andรย I couldn’t find the gift card for the woman to put the return on. I was saying I couldn’t find it and she mentioned it had $40 on it, since she was holding my receipt. Yeah I know there’s $40 on it and that’s why I’m looking through every part of my purse! We’ll I didn’t really get angry at her, just a little annoyed.
I was too bummed to go buy pants and footsie pajamas at Mervyn’s. Lilah desperately wants footsie pajamas, but we no longer have any her size and they don’t have any at Target. ( She wants stripes cause the striped ones are her favorite.)
I’ve combed through my purse and wallet and have found nothing. It’s made me very grumpy and I’m not sure if Lilah asked for me to find the gift card in her lunch prayer because she wants to spend money or have a less grumpy mom.
I’m totally bummed.