What takes….

…An hour and a half away from your life?

Ironing and sewing this hem.

It may have only taken a little over an hour, but it felt like longer since I was watching a debate between Dina Titus and Jon Porter and they had a commercial break like every three minutes.ร‚ย  I’m almost not sure who I like least right now for Congress.

Keep in mind it’s folded in half and is still longer than my 7 or 8 foot couch. (I’m not sure of the exact length.)

They also wanted me to hand sew it. That would have taken me 3 or more hours to hand sew because I’m a slow sewer with a machine and even slower with my hands that tend to cramp when hand sewing.

I am one step closer to being done. Now I just need to gather it and attach it to the dress.

I hope the ant bait works, because I don’t have time to deal with those suckers.

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