Wizard of Oz

Well, the fateful day has finally arrived, at least by the time I write and post this it will be Tuesday, or family night of the play. It’s not opening night, but it is the first night we perform in front of a live audience.

I’m so excited and nervous at the same time. I brought my camera tonight so I could take pictures but it was mostly locked upped in the hall locker with my purse, so I will bring it again and eventually you can have some pictures of the costumes, it’s just tough because we have some pretty quick changes and I don’t have a lot of time to take them. Plus, Jon may or may not being going to family night, it’s depends on whether his parents can go, so it might not be until Monday that pictures will be taken since that’s when he’s going.

I did get pictures of Glinda and the Wicked Witch of the West, one of me in a mirror that’s a blurry one of my costume and one of me in my stage make-up and hair at home 3 hours after I did it. I guess you just have to come see the show if you want to see more of the costumes and the cutest munchkin in the show, Lilah.ร‚ย  (She’s wearing curlers in her hair during the day for the next two weeks so she can have her adorable ringlets each show. When we were paying at Mc Donald’s tonight the attendant smiled when she saw Lilah’s hair. I’m hoping to use them as a conversation starter so I can hand out flyers when we’re out and about.)


3 Responses to “Wizard of Oz”

  1. nice niece Says:

    You’re so pretty! I can’t wait to see the play. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jonathan Blake Says:

    Yesterday as we walked through the mall, I noticed that a lot of people (men and women) looked adoringly at Lilah with her hair in curlers. How do I put this politically correctly? Mostly the non-white people. Is that OK to say?

    Anyway, I think Lilah’s hair resembles the hair styles I remember on my black friends growing up. They don’t look like curlers too much. I think people were a little amused to see a little white girl like that.

    Or maybe they just thought it was cute to see her in curlers.

  3. marybrinkerhoff Says:

    Oh I do not miss stage makeup! You look great!