Post thought extended.
I hope my last post doesn’t come off as “I’m better than thou because we live within our means.”
I suppose part of it is the fact that we live within our means and by doing so we pass up many opportunities to have nicer things so when situations come up that it seems like we don’t have enough it’s somewhat embarrassing. I often feel bare to the world by our simple circumstances. What we have is what we have and what we’re able to pay for with our money and not what we’ve credited to a card. What we have is not only what we can afford but also what we’ve chosen to pay for.
I am happy that I have a husband who works hard to not only provide for us now, but works hard in budgeting wisely now so as to provide for us later.
I often feel humbled to have such a loving, caring, and wise husband, especially one who is so conscious of money and the way we spend it. I tend to be on the spending side side in some situationsรย and Jon helps to balance me, then he tends to be on the spending side in other situations and I balance him. Together we are a very good match, in more than just the financial side, but we help one another and trust each other. Since we do trust each other to make wise financial choices and we try to keep that trust we continue to make wise financial choices. There are times that I’m surprised Jon doesn’t tell me to return things, and he might be weary of why I spent money, but he is never condescending or tight leashed because he makes the money. We have the same allowance and large purchases are discussed.
It takes a lot of self discipline to set aside for tomorrow and not spend because you have it today. It’s something we’re constantly working on and I praise those who also are money wise or are trying harder to be money wise. Baby steps. It’s all about baby steps.
August 4th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
I also feel a little self-conscious when a card is declined. I really don’t notice too many instances of others having their cards declined. Really, the cashier is the only other person guaranteed to notice. My embarrassment decreased when a friend was the cashier. My card had been declined, they could tell I was annoyed and embarrassed. They reassured me that it happens fairly often and some people get pretty upset by it. The cashiers know that the system isn’t perfect and they don’t judge, so you shouldn’t worry.
We don’t save as much as we would like, but we are continually trying to be more responsible with our finances. We’re happy that our credit card debt decreases every month, occasionally it stays the same for a month. I don’t feel at all self-conscious about discussing my income and debt with close friends and family. I try not to judge friends and family that I feel are making bad financial decisions, but it can be hard. Since the people that read this blog are those who know you I wouldn’t worry about people thinking you’re being snobby or judgemental, they know how you are!
August 4th, 2009 at 6:33 pm
My last debt card was declined throughout this city and others. I might have left it in the sun and somehow it ended up under my tire. Any who, I felt embarrassed every time and I would think I should go get a new one. I never did and it happed till they sent me my new one. Every time I went home and had money they could’ve taken out. I did start to carry a credit card due to the events I had to leave due to lack of cash in my wallet.