Primary Program

I was blog flipping just now and killing a little bit of time before I go back to sewing and someone wrote about their child’s Primary Program, and I remembered whatร‚ย  a slacker mom I’ve been in the blogging arena since I’ve been so busy with other stuff.

Our Primary Program was the 25th. My parents were able to be there along with my sister Carolyn. Jon’s mom showed up a little late with Dara and Jason, and in the rush to get in and sit down Jason was lost. So we sat through the sacrament and while the kids filed up the stairs Jon went to go find Jason, but then Jason came in the opposite door Jon went out and Mom went to go find Jon. Lilah was the very first child to speak and opened with: Family Life is most like to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. (It should have been Happiness in family life…. but I forgot to go over it with her one last time when I heard her practice it incorrectly the day before and no leader corrected her.)

So Jon heard Lilah give her part, he had made his way around the building and was at the other door, while Grandma missed part of it.

Eden’s part came later and was: I lived with Heavenly Father before I came to Earth. She was so cute and started to turn and get down before she finished so we heard, I lived with Heavenly Father before I came t….. I thought she did great, but that may be because I sympathize with her nervousness in front of others.
Both girls were so cute and I had fun watching them. Lilah was very animated when she sang at times, and I was just happy to see Eden singing because she doesn’t like to at home sometimes.

Just another note. After the practise on Saturday while the kids were eating their pizza one of the teachers told me how well behaved my girls were and how sweet they were, another teacher joked that they needed 24 more kids like them and then to get on it, as in have 22 more kids. I love my girls and I’m happy they’re so well behaved. I feel blessed to have two sweet children who listen and show respect to others, but I’m not sure I could guarantee even one more like them, let alone 22. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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