Welcome to Whoville!

So I was not cast as a lead this year. ๐Ÿ™ But I am pleased with my auditions and how I did at callbacks. I feared I would go back into my old singing voice, but I was able to hold my own, and the poor guy who auditioned with me for the mayor’s part had to sing a little louder than he’s use to, but he’s a great singer and adjusted well to my very loud voice. I got a lot of good feedback and even though it’s on Facebook, I really don’t want to lose some of the encouraging comments I got, so I’m putting it in this post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Back story: My friend Heidi Green was called back with me for the Mayor’s wife. She was First girl last year, while I was Second girl. I told her and her husband how this was the part I wanted, and immediately she felt a little bad, since she didn’t know there was a Mayor and Mayor’s wife part till she and her husband were called back. We talked and of course, it was all about whoever is the best person will get the part, and not to worry about hurting my feelings. She was really cute and I thought she might get the part. In the end our Cinderella from last year was cast, which I kinda thought would happen when I saw we were in this callback together, and it was the only callback she had.

FaceBook comments after the cast list was sent out:

Heidi: Lacey, all I have to say is that I wish you were Mrs. Mayor. Especially because you’re humble. You did great at auditions.

Kelly (The Director): You both did great. This is why cast lists make me sad.

Me: I know. It’s hard. I’m happy to have put myself out there and actually say I wanted a part. That was a big step for me. I’m still happy to grow and learn from wonderful actors and directors.

Kelly: There were alot of tough choices made. You should be so proud of how well you did Lacey because you made it very hard for us.

Me: Thank you so much Kelly. You’re positive comments mean so much to me.

Kelly: I really mean it Lacey. Keep working and you’ll see that lead sooner than you think. Be more confident in your abilities because there is alot of talent and potential there. Trust me and ask my students when I say I don’t BS to make people feel better. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You really did shine.

Me: I totally plan on working hard on my singing, acting, and even dancing ability. I’m slowly gaining that confidence and am happy to be surrounded by such wonderful people.
Thank you so much Kelly.

I was also called back for a Bird Girl part, but I wasn’t holding my breath since I had to be able to dance, like really dance. I knew I could probably sing in a trio, but dancing proved to be my biggest hurdle. I won’t go into too many details, but I did fine while learning the dance, though I was not great, but when it came time to perform it, I came in early, forgot parts of it, and I’m sure looked a fool a little. It was fun, and I’m still happy I hung in there and didn’t cry when it was all over, or even feel inclined to cry, which is something the old Lacey would have done.

I’m still happy to be in the play, sad no doubt for not getting a lead, but I still have a lot of nervousness when it comes to singing and performing, and I hope that I’ll be able to get over some of it over the next year. My voice teacher is having a recital later this year, that she wants her adult students to be in too, and I still need to sing in church.

I will say I’m finally liking my voice when I hear it on recordings. I usually can’t stand to listen to it, but I’m gradually liking it, and that helps me to sing louder and more confidently.

This has been a great learning and growing experience and I just hope I can continue to put myself out there.

See you in Whoville this June. ๐Ÿ™‚

Update: Due to a few drop-outs, I am now a Jungle Animal in the Jungle of Nool. I think I get to be a Zebra. If anyone has tips on how to “be” a zebra, let me know.

2 Responses to “Welcome to Whoville!”

  1. Nice Niece Says:

    Bravo for putting in all the work of voice lessons, and for putting yourself out there with auditions. I am so proud of my Aunt Lacey!

  2. Adriana Benitez Says:

    Auditioning is always a hard part! Improvements are always good and I hope you making a wonderful Who since I won’t get to see