Bite the mullet

Well once Eden’s back hair became long enough to put in pig tales I was ecstatic. In the past few months the back hair has grown, but not much of anything else….which gave my precious baby a mullet. Now it was the cutest mullet you have ever seen, but a mullet none the less. Lately Eden’s hair has started to fill in . You can see that it’s getting a little thicker up top, which made the mullet look even thinner. Well last night we gave the girls a bath and then bit the bullet and cut Eden’s mullet. Now she looks a little like a boy, but at least her hair looks nice when I don’t have time to put it up in pig tales, but it’s all gone. I felt a little bad cutting it off. She loves to play with her hair when she’s bored or when she goes to sleep. Now it’s gone.
Here’s some before and after pictures.

She’s cute but so scraggly.
right before the cut.
Jon did the cutting.
Here she is today….so cute even without hair.

4 Responses to “Bite the mullet”

  1. Nice neice Says:

    Eden looks adorable with the short cut! I always prefer the streamlined look to the scraggly look. And WOW! Jon did great on the cutting!

  2. Andrea Says:

    I guess it goes to show that if you have boys they will also be quite cute. Now you will have to put a barrette in her hair or invest in some headbands if you don’t want her to look so masculine.

  3. amber Says:

    Ahh- the baby mullet. I’m loving the title to this post. Perfect! Also- She’s pretty darn cute either way. I find too that once I do that first cut that the hair seems to grow in thicker. Maybe Jon has a higher calling as a hairdresser? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Is It Naptime Yet » Blog Archive » Blake fun Says:

    […] three pigtails on each girl. I loved doing this to Lilah when she was Eden’s age. Now that the mullet is cut I can do […]