
This week has been long but it went rather quickly.
Lilah got sick last Saturday so we had her and Eden stay home with Jon on Sunday. Both stayed because I was teaching Sunday school and I didn’t want to worry about Eden and getting her to nursery right before my class started.
This past week Lilah has been congested and coughingร‚ย  a lot and then Friday she came down with a fever. It was not fun. She said she had an earache, but really I think she just wanted medicine.ร‚ย  Today, Saturday, she seems to be doing well. No moreร‚ย  fever and plenty of attitude. I think I’m going to keep them both home from church just to make sure Lilah is over what she had and so they don’t catch anything. The girls and I are going up to Utah with my mom later this week so I don’t want them to get sick right before we leave.

Wednesday I got my hair done. Yippee!! I got some red highlights put in as my graduation gift to myself. Jon does not usually like highlight but he likes mine because they’re subtle.ร‚ย  (I’m sure being on me helps also ๐Ÿ˜‰

This shows more of the cut. My standard cut, but I love it. (Pardon the no make up and red blotch left from the cold sore I had last week.)
Now you can see the highlights. They are very subtle but very noticeable in the sun or outside.
I normally have no red to my dark brown hair, so the red tint is the highlights.

Why I paid so much money to have subtle and not immediately noticeable highlights I don’t know but they make me happy.

Friday I was going to just lay around with the girls since Lilah had a fever, but while they were down for their nap I decided to hem my curtains. So I’m one step closer to having all my curtains done! I also sewed the tabs that I should have sewn about 3 weeks ago for my next set that I’ll be making. I guess I realized it was almost the middle of February, I’ve been out of school almost two month and have not done anything with my curtains. I guess I realized I was being a slacker. Now I feel happy that they’re done.ร‚ย  ( I made these curtains in July last year, but they didn’t get hemmed because I was hosting a pampered chef party and I just wanted them hung.ร‚ย  So now 7 months later they’re finally done. )

3 Responses to “Highlights”

  1. Amber Says:

    Cute hair!! I think subtle things are even more important to make you feel beautiful then anything else! I spent a 1/2 hour waxing my eyebrows and thining them etc this evening and nothing makes me feel more ‘done’ even though Steve says he can’t see the difference. Besides- it makes me feel like a girl.

    So have you painted yet? Should I come over and we could whip it out in an afternoon? Totally serious about that- I’ve got a baby gate and DVD’s- makes it easy to accomplish just about anything. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Lacey Says:

    I’m sooo tempted to take you up on painting, and I just might when the time comes. I have sewing goals that I must meet before I paint. (Jon needs three pairs of pants hemmed and I have to do at least our dining room curtains.)
    The hemming went quite quickly so it gives me hope that if I get my butt into gear I can have all my curtains done my the end of March. (Please cross you fingers for me becasue we’ve all seen how much of a slacker I can be with these curtains.:))

  3. Lacey Says:

    Jon only notices my eyebrows when I don’t tweeze them.
    I agree that it’s the little things that help you feel beautiful.