
So I’m 24 today. I’m not going through any early mid-life crisis and I don’t mind being one year older. So no drama here, though most of you are probably saying that I’m too young to be dramatic.
This morning I went to clean the chapel. I almost didn’t go actually. My alarm went off at 6:45 and I just turned it off, but then at 6:53 Jon started mowing the lawn with the push mower and I was out of bed by 6:55. We had a good turn out so I chatted with my friend Danielle and vacuumed various rooms in the building. Danielle, her husband Rami, and adorable baby girl Eva (pronounce Ava, it’s spelled the Spanish way.) are moving in a month. She’s been so nice and I wish I’d been able to hang out with her more. ๐Ÿ™‚

I got home and hung out with the girls while Jon fixed pancakes and we watched Spirited Away. Then Jon showered and took the girls grocery shopping. I said it was so he would see why I will sometimes be reluctant to go shopping with both girls during the day. Both of them listened and were very cooperative so he said I had no excuse if I always go shopping in the morning. ๐Ÿ˜› I was hoping for at least one temper tantrum, but I am slightly happy that one didn’t happen because that means someone would have been in trouble.

I took a shower while they were gone and was able to take my time since I was alone in the house. They came home and finished my cake, we needed some lemon icing for the lemon cake.
I’ve taken a nap and am now relaxing since I swept and vacuumed. I needed to clean Eden’s high chair cover, but I just haven’t taken my opportunities this past week so I did it today.
So here I am 24 with nearly a 4 year old. What makes me feel old is having an almost 4 year old. I also get to substitute Lilah’s Sunbeam’s class tomorrow. She’s excited for me teaching so I hope she’ll be nice and willing to go to church tomorrow. Lately she hasn’t wanted to go, even though she has fun once there in Primary.

Lilah’s birthday is 3 weeks from today. For “Lilah day” I think we’re going to do Chuck e’ Cheese for lunch, take a nap and then do swimming and cake at the house my sister is watching. (We’ll probably do a small BBQ for just us.) Any one’s invited but know it’s pay your way since we’re poor with a car payment. I just don’t want the pressure of planning and getting food for a lot of people, like I’ve done in the past. I may do a small party with her church friends. (Sam volunteered to help me plan.)

(For Chuck e’ Cheese we’ll be printing one of their coupons online. it gives you so many tokens, a large pizza and 3 drinks. Just enough for an hour or so of fun.) (It may sound cheep that I’m not going all out for my daughters birthday, but really I’m just trying to be sensible with our tighten budget.)

4 Responses to “Birthday”

  1. Carolyn Says:

    I will bring some hamburgers for the BBQ I have a coupon. I also have tokens from my last adventure with the mouse. I get monthly emails with coupons, so let’s compare pricies. Oh crap I am becoming my MOTHER.

  2. Fallon Says:

    Sounds like you had a nice birthday. I think that the idea you have for Lilah’s birthday sounds like fun, I wish we could be there, but we will try to make it for her next birthday. Love you bunches.

  3. Andrea Says:

    I tagged you for a MeMe.

  4. Nice neice Says:

    Smart move with the Lilah Day planning…and I don’t think it sounds cheap, it’s sensible! All she really cares about is being at CEC, right? Save the big parties for later, when they can appreciate it more. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy 24th birthday! I hope it was a great one. I sure wish we lived close enough to watch the girls so that you could go out on the town! That would be fun. Love ya! Shauntae