Flash back

My house reminds me of being back in school. While I took classes I had lots of excuses why my dishes were not done, shelves not dusted and had a bedroom full of clutter, not to mention laundry unfolded, clean but unfolded. Now it’s not that bad and it was never constantly that way, just around test or paper writing times. ๐Ÿ™‚
I did have a good routine of doing dishes once I was done with school and at least getting my kitchen in order, but then I had Naia three days a week and the other two days I had places to go people to see. So that habit got a little rusty. I also had sewing to do, have I mentioned that I still need to cut Eden’s dress out, YIKES! I now will only have Naia twice a week, but I have a lesson to prepare for church this Sunday and lesson’s to prepare for Lilah’s class since I teach the 3rd and 4th Thursday of this month. Plus full weekends of Bridal showers and getting a bed and having to address baby shower invites not to mention the actual WEDDING!
I hate to write everything down because Jon will just say that I have too much on my plate. ๐Ÿ™‚
Really once the wedding is over things will be better. It just happens that I have a lot to do around the same time. When it rains it pours.
I feel bad that my house gets slightly neglected. Mostly I feel for Jon. Poor guy picks up my slack and does dishes and watches the girls if I have an activity I want to go to. Or watches the girls so I can sew, though they always find their way next to me while I’m sewing.
Life is hectic. Our house is already small with lots of stuff so it doesn’t take much for things to pile up and make us all a little claustrophobic.

One highlight of my life: Tonight we are going on a date. We’re going to go out to eat and then buy a new computer. I know so romantic
As Jon put it when we were IMingThe glare of the fluorescent lights. The flicker of the LEDs. The whir of hard drives. What’s not to like?”
Yes, Fryy’s is a computer nerds paradise, just not his wifes paradise.

4 Responses to “Flash back”

  1. Jonathan Blake Says:

    You have too much on your plate.

  2. Lacey Says:

    Did you just say that cause I said you would?
    You should learn to sew so you can help me with my crazy projects. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Amber Says:

    I bet Jon would be very good at sewing. My house gets like that too. But usually the busier I get the cleaner my house is. Mostly because I have a deadline. For some reason knowing that I have 10 things to get done in the next 5 hours makes me get 15 things done. But if I have 3 things that I should do (usually dishes, laundry and general pickup) but no real time frame- nothing gets accomplished. I’m messed up. ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Jonathan Blake Says:

    Did you just say that cause I said you would?

    Did you say that just because I said what you said I’d say… what I said?