Back to Work.

Jon went back to work today. Eden asked where Daddy was this morning since he’s been around so much. He had left while the girls were still asleep and he let me stay in bed and rest rather then get up. She was a little sad that she wasn’t able to say goodbye, which they usually are whenever he leaves while they’re alseep.

I really like having Jon around. At Christmastime he takes a mandatory week off and it’s always nice to lounge around, do whatever and leave parenting to him. Well, not all to him since I get impatient quicker.

My shoulder is already bothering me a little this morning. Who knew 2/3 of a gallon of milk could be so heavy? Jon’s been pouring milk and pushing Eden up to the table so I had forgotten how heavy she was too. I know I also overdid it last night before bedtime . I wiped off the table, left handed but you still have to bend over and use your back muscles, and I swept. Two things that were greatly weighing me down. (I like to keep my table crumb and spot free and a crumby floor really gets to me too. ) I just hated the thought of asking Jon to do those two chores because he had so much he’s had to do and I know how hard it is to have no help. (He helps often, but when he’s gone on business trips I get pretty down on all I have to do.) Eden was also being very difficult and not going potty before bed so I put her on the toilet and then I picked her up to get her to wash her hands. It was a very difficult bedtime and probably one of the worst tantrums she’s ever thrown.

I’ve learned that icing my wound really helps to relive any aches it might have, though I’m sure I’ve already stretched out the wound with all I’ve been doing. She tried to reinforce the wound with stronger stitches, no doubt because my other scar is so big.

I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day. Lunch should be pretty easy and I’m not sure what I’ll make for dinner, but I’ll try not to lift anything more than a pound. I’ll just try not to lose my patience with the girls. They’re in their room playing so I’m gonna let them be and put on a movie to distract me. Hopefully they don’t make too big of a mess, and even if they do they’ll just need to willingly clean it up.

I actually have a few different blog post to catch up on or do, but I figured I’d do them throughout the week since I have nothing else I’m allowed to do.

3 Responses to “Back to Work.”

  1. andrea Says:

    Are you secretly hoping Jon will read your blog and then sweep the floor for you?

    Your operation was quite recent, you really should see if you can cycle through a few people helping you everyday or every other day with your chores. And maybe have Jon pour the milk into some big glasses or a glass pyrex so you aren’t lifting so much.

  2. Lacey Says:

    No. I already swept the floor. For me having a clean table and swept floor gives me a place of cleanliness when the kitchen or any other part of the house might be a mess. I just didn’t want to ask him to do one more thing because that’s all I’ve been doing.

    Don’t you know I hate asking people for help?

    I have thought to ask, but Jon mostly has it under control. He can do dishes and maybe I’ll ask someone to do the sweeping and vacuuming that needs to get done. I just hate asking. Everything else are details that can wait till I’m better.

    We’re kinda prideful and don’t mind living in choas. It reminds me of when I had finals or tests and would neglect the house for a week, or two, and do the bare minimum.

    Ah, college days.

  3. nice niece Says:

    Asking is not fun…I hear ya. Nick cleaned up the house and put the boys to bed last night while I was crashed on the couch. College days indeed. ๐Ÿ™‚