Feeling Sentimental
This morning I was thinking about my sisters. I have three and for the most part have always gotten along with them. It’s funny to be adults and notice what things are different and what are the same. It’s funny because we all came from the same two parents, but are each so unique.
I was thinking about my older sister Carolyn. She’s always been motherly and is always so good with kids, yet she has none and wouldn’t mind if it stayed that way. I was always jealous because babies loved her and she would do silly things to make the kids laugh, things that I would be self conscious about. Lilah was one of the first babies who was not drawn to Carolyn. My children are just weary of people, but as they’ve gotten older the one person they are now never weary of is Carolyn. They love her so much and she loves them. I love to watch her play with my children. I love to watch her help my children. I think Eden takes after Carolyn. Eden’s shy, but oh so funny. Carolyn can be reserved but is hilarious once her guard is down. My girls don’t accept people easily, but their Aunt Carolyn does. I hope we always live close to Carolyn, or that she lives close to us. I love having a wonderful sister who is such a wonderful Aunt.
My next thoughts turned to my sister Andrea. Andrea is the oldest girl and has always been the mediator in the family. She would break up arguments, but was rarely ever in one. I remember watching her put her make-up on and thinking how beautiful she was. I played with her long hair and we tickled each others backs in church. I would often hang out with her and her friends and she never minded me tagging along, though she might have secretly she always allowed me to go with her if possible.รย She too has been a wonderful aunt to my girls.รย They always have some special treat when we visit and she treats them wonderfully when she sees them. My girls love their niece Zarina and Lilah talks and laughs about Zarina often. Lilah also cries because they live far away. Andrea lives a few hours away and we visit them each summer. This summer we won’t be going all the way to Ely, but halfway to go camping with Andrea, Brien, and Zarina. I look forward to this time when it’s just our families and not the whole family. I love just sitting and talking with my sister and when one of us calls they rarely last less than two hours long. Since my girls are older we find ourselves to be in different stages of motherhood, not that I won’t ever have a toddler again, I just don’t at this time, I find myself to be the counselor to her. It’s difficult being a mom, something we both know, but I know she’s a great mother to Zarina, and I’m thankful to have her as a sister.
My sister Kristi is four years older than me. She was the wild child in our home and the sister to leave the house first. I remember the day she had my nephew. I was a senior in high school and she had him that morning. Since I was a good student my teachers let me miss class so I could go visit Kristi at the hospital. My nephew, the only boy on my side, was suppose to be named Matthew, but when I got to the hospital he was named Howard and we call him Howie to distinguish him from his father. She was the first of us to be a mother and Howie was a spoiled baby. With her first daughter being just a year older than Lilah we she gave me advice and let me use her baby clothes so we didn’t have to spend so much money. She helped Jonathan get his first job after he graduated and is always very giving of her time. She now has three children and so many responsibilities, since life gives us so much. Sheโs tries to be the best she can and works through difficult times. My girls love to play at her house, no doubt because of all the toys, but also because they love their cousins.
I’m grateful to have these three women in my life, but we wouldn’t be here without our mom. I remember being sick in her bed. My parent’s bed was always the best place to be when you were sick, except it was less fun once the TV was moved out of their room. I was the baby and I often crawled into my parents bed, right next to my mom, because my sisters were making too much noise while getting ready for school. My mom was so accepting of my friends and was a mom to anyone she met. I remember thinking, “Please don’t hug him.” whenever I brought boys home or was leaving for a date, but it always happened. My mom has always been supportive of me in my choices of going to school, dating, and getting married young.รย My mom was the first person at the hospital after I gave birth to Lilah and the nurse had to lock the door since I wasn’t quite presentable and my mom did not want to wait. My mother helped me those first weeks of my journey into motherhood. She listened to me at 4 in the morning with my worries and was there for me whenever I needed her. My mother taught me to tickle my children often, since she tickled us a lot, which I’m sure my girls don’t always appreciate, but Eden has given me the title of “The Silliest Mommy Ever” and I love it. รย My parents are willing to watch my kids whenever I need it and they’ve taken us on trips. I’m thankful for my mom. I wish I had inherited her patience and I’m thankful that I live close to them so they can spoil my children.
I wish these three woman a Be-Lated Happy Mother’s Day and I’m so happy to have them as examples in my life.
May 12th, 2009 at 3:30 pm
You are too nice to write this post. We are looking forward to the camping trip too. You can still visit in August if you want to escape to a slower pace.
May 12th, 2009 at 7:38 pm
I often look back at how different we all are and wonder how we came from the same place. I guess we each still have our own challenges that make us different. You are a wonderful sister and I truly enjoy seeing you and your girls.
Thank you for the sweet post.
May 13th, 2009 at 9:47 pm
I love all those girls too! I loved spending time at your house in college. It was nice to hang out with all the girls- helped me not be homesick.