A dinner conversation

Jon had just put some olive oil on his food, I forget what, but the important thing was our olive oil bottle was on the table during dinner.

Lilah: That bottle is half empty.

Jon: You must be a pessimist to say the bottle is half empty.

Eden interrupts: No, it’s half full.

Lilah argues a little that it’s half empty and Eden repeats it’s half full.

I guess we’ll see if Lilah truly is a pessimist and if Eden is an optimist as they get older.

3 Responses to “A dinner conversation”

  1. Carolyn Says:

    I agree with Eden ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. andrea Says:

    My answer would be affected by whether or not there was another bottle in the pantry.

  3. marybrinkerhoff Says:

    That’s hilarious!