5 things

Eden turns four this week. FOUR! I really can’t believe it, but it’s been fun. So my five things will be centered around Eden this week.

1. I love the way Eden talks. She uses phrases like : “Hey guys….!”, “Uh, I don’t think so.” and “Yiyah” (Though this is more because she can’t pronounce her sisters name just yet.)
2. I love that Eden is a Mamma’s girl and is mostly willing to give me cuddles anytime, though she does love her daddy and chooses him at times over me.
3. I enjoy our afternoon nap time together. We play and sing songs and get some needed rest, though this time is fading since she won’t need naps for much longer.
4. I love her sense of humor. I think Eden is so funny and she reminds me of Carolyn. If it weren’t for the fact that Eden looks like me, I would say I got the wrong child.
5. I love watching Eden’s imaginary play. I love listening to the situations she makes up and I love the cute shy look she gets on her face when I catch her playing. (Anther reason I think she takes after Carolyn, she’s shy.)

Happy Birthday to my Eden Bee-den. I’ve enjoyed our four years together and hope to enjoy watching you grow some more!

2 Responses to “5 things”

  1. Carolyn Harvey Says:

    You are pretty lucky to be her mother. She’s a great girl. See you Sat for Eden day!!!

  2. Sara Says:

    Happy birthday Eden! So are the pictures any good? I can probably stop by any day after work. I usually leave around 5 or so. Just let me know when you’ll be home.