Officially Old

So I hate to use the words ‘official’ and ‘old’ because that means I can never be young again and that those who are older than me, which is nearly everyone who reads this blog, will laugh at me because I ain’t that old.

Tonight while fulfilling my domestic duty by ironing shirts for Jon, something he would do but he’s just not that good at and two out of the three shirts I bought had to be ironed, grrr, I switched weight from my left leg to my right only to have a shooting pain down the outside of my left leg and to have it go slightly numb at the same time. Luckily I was close to the couch so I was able to sit down because any weight on my leg intensified the pain, but  I could only sit and I still had the intense pain if I moved so I called Jon. He came quickly, being the wonderful husband he is, and thankfully we have a small house so it wasn’t that far either. Jon helped me lie down on the couch and the pain immediately went away. The girls then came out to check on me, or to avoid sleep, and we sent them back to bed. Jon stayed and rubbed my leg for a little bit before returning to study.

So I think it was some sort of pinched nerve, though I’ve never experience that before, so I’m not sure. Yesterday I was doing a lot of cleaning  and I mopped the floors. Today I was also on my feet  doing a few more chores, but mostly chatting with Sam while we made granola in my hot kitchen.  Anyways, I was feeling a little spent earlier tonight so I’m sure that also contributed to whatever the pain was. Hopefully the yoga will help and I can reverse the hourglass and avoid having more of those shooting pains down my leg.

It seriously hurt and as I tell this story I feel like my dad. He always has leg pain, or some sort of pain going on.
I don’t want to get old.

3 Responses to “Officially Old”

  1. nice niece Says:

    I know that pain all too well. And I hate getting old too!

  2. andrea Says:

    Maybe you’re allergic to housework!

  3. Tara Says:

    Chances are it is piriformis syndrome. The pirirformis is a muscle that goes from your sacrum to your hip joint and the sciatic nerve crosses either over, under or thru it. Any tension in the piriformis can cause significant pain, similar to sciatic pain but not true sciatica. Your best bet is to find a good massage therapist that understands piriformis syndrome well. Usually within one session you’ll be feeling good, although it may take 1-2 more to fix the problem completely. Also there are some good stretches you can do that help maintain the therapist’s work. The MT should be able to show you.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon. I deal with piriformis syndrome off and on and I know how much it sucks. Don’t wait too long to have it worked on or it will get worse and become harder to heal.