Archive for September 29th, 2005

Multiple personalities

Thursday, September 29th, 2005

I’ve decided Lilah has two personalities. Anytime you give her two choices she wants one then the other, then goes back to the first. Like last night we gave her the choice of wearing a blue onesie to bed or a white onesie. First she wanted the blue and then she wanted the white and then the blue…it drives me nuts. Then today she wanted to rock in the chair, then she wanted on the bed. If you give her choices she chooses one and then when you go to give it to her she wants the other. ARGH! Are all two year olds like this? I admit my patience wears thin when she does this because it usually leads to her whining, or crying and me ignoring her. We try to not give into the crying for what she wants or whining, but it can also be difficult to get her to calm down and tell you what she wants in a nice voice because she usually changes her mind if their are two choices and the process starts all over again.

Other than a indecisive two year old, I’m studying hard for tests and trying to make time for lectures. I have two tests next week,. in which I have four one hour lectures and about 300 pages to read for one class, and the other I have a chapter to read in the text and three 20 minute lectures. The second one I could skip if I wanted to. In that class, my History of Psychology, there are six test, and only two from the first three go towards the grade and two form the second three, so I am studying more for my first class, my Anthropology class, because it’s one of two tests. It just seems I got behind in the first couple of weeks and now I’m just reading or studying all the time. Of course at night I like to rest, but I should do more studying. (I know Jon.)

Jon’s a good support and if I mention that I need to watch a lecture he tries to make sure that I do. Life is good, but busy. I look forward to General Conference this weekend, because then I get to sit and relax with my family, though we’ll see how well Lilah does watching people speak for two hours at a time twice a day. She likes musicals or cartoons, not people talking. I should get to reading and work.