Archive for September, 2005

Weighing In

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

So not to brag, but I am so excited. I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday and I weighed in at 128 lbs. I actually am ten pounds lighter then when I was first pregnant!! Of course I only gained 13 lbs. and I lost 7 lbs 5 oz. (Eden), not to mention a lot of water weight when I gave birth. Of course I will probably not be so lucky by the third, fourth, or sixth child. We do want to have six and I’ll be in my thirties by then, and you know your metabolism slows down in your thirties, according to that commercial or whatever. Anyways, my advice to pregnant woman, eat healthy, and nurse after you have the baby, you’ll lose weight faster! Anyways. I should actually go do school work. I was just chatting to Jon and I told him I would go do schoolwork, but of course I got distracted with wanting to note my happy news.

Hot, hot, hot

Sunday, September 4th, 2005

This past weekend, and today I’ve had a fever. Which isn’t too good considering we had a BBQ for the celebration of Eden’s birth on Saturday, and her blessing today. I had a high fever in the night time, but it went down in the morning by the time we had our Sacrament meeting at 11:00 am. I still have a low grade fever, body aches, and sometime chills. Luckily Jon has been wonderful and has been taking care of me, and the girls. Plus since tomorrow is Labor day it gives me one extra day to recover without having to worry about him taking a sick day to watch over me.

Let’s get started

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

So this week has been eventful. For all those who haven’t seen me for a while I cut ten inches of my hair off to give to Locks of Love. I now have a fun short haircut. I think I look a little like my sister Carolyn now though. Jon says I look like Lacey.

I also started school this week. I’m taking four internet courses. Lilah luckily is the best behaved two year old and will read and play while I do things online. She also picks up when I ask her to. I wonder how long this wonderful attitude will last, but I’m hopeful that it will. As long as I give her one on one time she seems to be great.

Eden is also getting bigger each day. She gained 2 lbs 4 oz in a month, so she now weighs in at 9 lb 13 oz. She’s great for at least the first half of the day, and the second half she tends to get a little more testy and doesn’t want to sleep. We’re learning still and it seems we get the hang of it just in time for her to change, but I am grateful that she is so well behaved, just cranky at times.

I hope I can keep this up. Like another friend of mine who blogs. I like the idea that someone might be reading this now and be interested in my life, rather then just writing for future generations, not that it’s not important, but a little easier to do.