Archive for October 12th, 2005

Leaky kids

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

I woke up yesterday to two surprises. The first one was Lilah’s leaky diaper. Sometimes it leaks out the back, that was fun to change her and her sheets then I discovered Eden. I had earlier heard her fill her diaper, but I had no idea that she had overflowed her diaper. No diaper would have been able to hold all the wonderful surprise that she left. It was just an enormous amount of poo! Newborns will sometimes end up overflowing their daipers. Needless to say I started another load of kids clothes after our episode yesterday morning.

So we’ve been having trouble with our front bathroom toilet. It hasn’t been flushing, or hasn’t flushed properly since we’ve had the house really. The plumber did a few things the first visit then the second she flushed out our sewer line, and the toilet still didn’t flush properly. So we needed a new toilet. At first they (They being Old Republic, OR, our home warranty insurance.) told us they would replace it, then they told the plumber they wouldn’t, at least that’s what the plumber said, but then we finally got it straighten out and she brought a new toilet only to find out our toilet sewer line is only 10 inches from the wall instead of 12, the standard space. So we have to special order the toilet, in which Old republic gives us cash for the amount they would have paid for the regular toilet and we pay the difference because they only pay for the standard amount not upgrades, or things that deviate from the standard building requirements. Then I also find out from the plumber’s customer service that in order to have it installed, we would be paying them $80, because OR doesn’t pay for installation.

So we’ll be buying a toilet, right now their is not one in our bathroom, and Jon’s dad will instruct him how to install it. Linda the plumber said she could instruct him over the phone if we needed her to because it’s so easy. It’s just been such a hassle!! So hopefully we get a toilet soon. We have this coupon for 10% off a purchase at Lowes, so we’re planning on buying a few items that cost a lot, like the toilet and a security screen door. Life is so busy when you’re a home owner.

As a side note, I did well on my tests this past week. So far I have one A, a B, possible another A but I’m unsure. I got an B on the test, then the professor does a curve, so I’m unsure if I have a B or an A. I guess time will tell. Then I have a midterm in my last class this Friday. He does assignments as pass/fail, so I’m passing right now, but well see about the test. I have confidence that I’ll do okay because I know a lot the material already for the class.

Today we’ve had fun so far. Lilah and I blew bubbles, well I blew and she chased them. Then we also took a walk this morning. I love beautiful October weather in Vegas! Hopefully Lilah will take a good nap and I’ll be able to get some laundry folded and some reading done for my classes.

Well, time to go make lunch.