Archive for November 14th, 2005

Week in Review

Monday, November 14th, 2005

This past week was adventurous for Lilah, Eden and I. We dropped Jon off at the airport on Monday morning. Lilah didn’t like this and cried for a short time, she wanted to go on the plane with Daddy, but she cheered up a little as we got to my parents house. There she played outside with Howie and Kaitlyn, and I was out there with her most of the time. She doesn’t like to be outside by herself, though she’ll go upstairs by herself. She had fun and I was able to get some school work done. Eden did alright too. She was a pretty good baby this week considering all the driving and not being home for her naps.

Tuesday we visited a friend in the ward. Lilah was weary of the place and wasn’t really comfortable until around lunch time. She just has to warm up to places. She loved playing outside on their slide and the swing. She did really good at sharing and taking turns with the other kids.

Wednesday we stayed home. She was sick, and still is. She’s just had this stuffy nose that won’t go away. Of course on Wednesday it was runny also. So we relaxed and did dishes and house stuff. It’s sad when you start a full load of dishes and you still have at least half a load in your sink.

Thursday we visited Mary and her daughter Maddy. Maddy is a four months younger than Lilah. She did alright with some taking turns, but they both had a hard time sharing at some points. She had a swing also and if I would have let her Lilah probably would have stayed the swing and swung the whole time. Maddy also had one of those dancing elmo’s and Lilah just loved him. She would turn him on and then hug him as he danced and sang. Though no one get her this toy because I”m not a big fan of elmo, and I’m not a fan of any toy that sings and dances! They’re just too annoying!!

We also visited some people from the old ward we were in. They have a quilting class on Thursday nights so I dropped by. Lilah loved running around. She was eating a toostie pop and stared singing, eating a lollipop is fun to do, fun to do, fun to do. We sing that song and put in any phrase we want. She really loves to sing.

Friday we visited Amber and her daughters. We were bombarded with naked girls. Well just two, and they’re potty training, so it’s understandable. It was just cute and I saw what I have to look forward too. Lilah had fun and loved being at the park. I’m an overprotective parent and she really hasn’t gotten out much. Partially because we only have one car and their are no parks close by to play at. When we were at the apartment I took her to the play area there and we went swimming a lot before we moved. But now being in a home we only have the backyard and it’s mostly cleaned up, though we’re being overrun with weeds, but their still is questionable stuff in parts of the dirt. I also admit I’m not a mom who likes her kids to get dirty. I hate having to clean her up afterwards. Plus we really don’t have clothes that she can just get muddy and stained, off course she does that on her own at dinnertime. But I’m trying to be better.

We also picked Jon up at the airport on Friday. Lilah and Eden were watched by Andrea while I got him. Then Brien came over for a little bit. We stayed until finding Nemo was over. Lilah really liked that movie. On Saturday she wanted to watch it, but we don’t have it.

Saturday was a great day. It’s wonderful to not be a single parent anymore!! I went and saw Andrea try on a couple wedding dresses. There weren’t a lot in her size, actually only three, but she tried on a couple in the size down also. She’s going up to Utah for Thanksgiving so she can go shopping. She’s also going up for Christmas to be with Brien’s family, last year they were with us. So I’m mad at her since she’ll be gone for both holidays.

Sunday Lilah stayed home with Jon. Neither were feeling well, though for Lilah is was her nose and we didn’t want her to give a virus to other kids in nursery, since we don’t know if it was just the weather or if it was a virus. Eden also started to be sick on Sunday. She now sounds awful. She’ll cough and you just hear the congestion in her chest rattle. Though she’s still very happy and isn’t runny a fever. This is the fist time Eden’s been sick. I think the week just brought too much excitement.

Today is back to normal. I need to go study for a test that’s this week and I also have two assignments to complete. So now back to the real world, our vacation of playdates is over for a short while.