Archive for December, 2005

School work

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

I logged onto WebCT (my online classroom) and each course had an assignment icon there. Which just means an assignment or quiz is available, and some had the “assignment due soon” underneath. Luckily I did one assignment tonight that was due, and another test I don’t have to take because I’ve already taken four, and I am okay with my grade (mostly because I didn’t have time to dedicate to this test to make it worth it), then the other two classes have quizzes that aren’t due until Sunday and then Monday. I am just hanging on and doing what I can. Eden was very hard today also. She’s four months old and her sleeping habits are changing, so I’m re guessing when she’s tired, and needs naps. Lilah was a gem this morning though. I was just exhausted because I’ve been going to bed late and waking up early, so she played in the our bedroom while I took a nap, well I was mostly asleep, but partially awake. She’s so good to me. It’s time for prayer and scripture reading now, not to mention that CSI is on, so that’s it for today.

One week to go

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005

Next week are finals. Hooray!! I have lots of studying I need to do, but I’ll be relieved once the semester is over. Then I can dedicate my time to sewing curtains, and not feeling guilty when I get on cleaning spurts, when I should be studying. Like last week I got some clothes together to take to D.I. (Deseret Industries), 13 shirts, 4 sweaters, 2 skirts and 8 pairs of pants. We have yet to take them there, but they’re together. It was nice to clean out a box of clothes in our closet. It’s just cloths that I don’t wear, but have in case I need them, but I don’t like them, so why keep them, especially when we have such limited space. We keep all the kids clothes because they were born the time of year. I just don’t know what we’ll do we we have a third, and if it’s a boy or born in a different season then the clothing we have.
Anyways, I look forward to the extra time I’ll have starting next Thursday, though then I will probably be doing lots of baking and some shopping for Christmas.

Lilah is so funny nowadays. She uses the word probably with everything. “Eden will probably get her clothes on.” “We’ll probably blow bubbles tomorrow.” Probably will have raisins for lunch.” She uses it correctly most of the time, except if you count when were are definitely going to do the action. She’s just cute. She also says “Nope, I don’t want to Mommy.” instead of just saying no. I figure at least she’s polite. She loves to play pretend too. She’ll “make” a cake and then sing happy birthday, one day we sang to the hamper and the ceiling fan, and then we blow out the candles and eat the cake. I love seeing her mind grow and experience new ideas, because that type of pretend is lost on children younger than two.

Here are some recent pictures of Eden. She’s our “I’ll chew on anything” baby. Everything goes to her mouth. Lilah wasn’t so much that way. She’s also holding onto her toes nowadays, if she had the strength to get them to her mouth, they’d be there I’m sure.

Weekend and pictures

Monday, December 5th, 2005

Here’s Lilah helping Jon to water the bushes on Saturday. The hose actually doesn’t reach to the bushes, so we went for watering the area closest to them.

Here are our girls on Thanksgiving morning. The pumpkin is there so we can positively know what day it was.
We didn’t have any pictures that show Eden’s dress really well on the website, so here is one. My mom made the dress and she also crocheted the blanket she’s on.

This was just cute. I got here right as she was smiling. (both pictures taken on Septmebr 26, 2005)

Well, the weekend was fun. Saturday Lilah and Jon worked on the yard. Lilah and I also went to a show that my friend Anna’s husband produced for their Baptist church. It was fun. Lilah liked petting the pony and goat the most.

Sunday we visited Jon’s parents. We try to visit at least once a month on Sunday. It was every other week, mine one week, his the next, but now it’s nice to have some Sunday’s to ourselves, so we go once a month or so to both. They enjoyed seeing Lilah and Eden. Lilah always has Grandpa take her outside, and she always has Grandma read her a book, or play the organ. She knows just who to go to for what she wants.

Today we had Eden’s four month checkup. She weighed in at 14 lbs 6 oz. and was 25 1/4 inches. She’s actually a little big for her age.
We then went up and visited my mom. Howie and Kaitlyn were there later that morning, so Lilah had tons of fun with her cousins, especially Howie. Anytime she needed anything it was Howie come here. He’s five, so with him being a little older, I think he’s more aware of her and isn’t to selfish. I think she’s just use to being the only one or playing with people who understand her. My sister also told me how Howie insist that they name their new baby sister Lilah when she comes. She’ll tell him that they already have a Lilah in the family and he’ll reply, “No, Lacey has a Lilah, not us.” We’ll see how disappointed, or insistent, he is when the baby comes in March. ๐Ÿ™‚


Thursday, December 1st, 2005

Well I’ve decided to put up some pictures.
I also remember what Jon and Lilah did on Saturday. I was inside studying and taking care of Eden while they did yard work by pulling up weeds. You can’t to well, but Lilah was covered with dirt and dust.

This one came out fuzzy, but you can see her pants.

This is the tub after Jon gave her a bath. He found twigs in her hair also.

Here are some halloween pictures. Lilah’s skirt also has the poodle on it. Jon just wasn’t able to get it in the picture.

Here is scary Lilah in the glow of the candle from our pumpkin with a glow stick….I know it looks like a mini light saber, but we are responsible parents. ๐Ÿ˜‰