Archive for February 17th, 2006

night owl

Friday, February 17th, 2006

Jon and I have come to turns that I am a night owl and he is an early bird. I think that’s the lingo for that term anyways. He really has no choice though, since he has to be out of the house by 7:30, so getting up early is just what he has to do. As he has gotten older he also just wakes up automatically around 6:00 am, so he’s usually tired by 10-10:30 pm. I on the other hand get to sleep in and stay up.I like to stay up late, I don’t know why, I just do. Maybe it goes back to staying up late with my older brother Scott and hanging out with him, or just to rebel, or watching the 11:00 news with my dad on some nights. We said our prayer together and then Jon went to bed. I stayed up and watched the men’s figure skating and then a little of Letterman. I was also reading during the breaks for my history class, so there was some productivity to the night.
I crawled in about a quarter after midnight. Which was good because last night Lilah woke up at 12:09 am and went to the bathroom. If I wasn’t there I can just imagine her hearing a soft moaning cry because of getting frustrated by not being able to get her pull-ups and pants on. Or our toilet overflowing because she used too much toilet paper. I’m a big helper to my child. She can go to the potty, but her little arms are quite long enough to reach the toilet paper and be able to have one hand on it to tear off just a few sheets. Plus its hard for her to wipe yet again because of short arms. So anyways I help her get back into bed and she got a special sticker for getting up on her own. Yesterday she stayed dry the whole day, and this morning she was dry!! So hopefully we’re on our way to fewer accidents. Though there haven’t been many with her.