Archive for May, 2006

almost done

Friday, May 5th, 2006

The semester is almost over. I have a paper to write this weekend, and tons of studying to do. I have 9 lectures to watch. (four for English and five for my women’s class). To much reading to document. I have three finals on Tuesday, but luckily the English one is open Tuesday-Wednesday, otherwise I would be going crazy. I’m acquiring info for my paper and I hope to have it mostly written tomorrow.
We have two blessings to attend on Sunday. One is at 9 and the other 11. So hopefully we can still get home at a descent time and I can get more studying done. There may be a luncheon, but I’m not sure yet.
I’m happy because I’ve done alright in all my classes. I expect a B average this semester, which isn’t bad, though I’ve done better. I think I just want the semester to be over, so I can have the summer to do all the many things I’ve neglected, including spending time with my kids. Eden pulls herself up on anything she can. She’s gotten more balance, but it’s still nerve racking to find her standing next to things holding on for dear life. I think she’ll be walking by her first birthday, if not very close. Lilah took her sweet time. I partially wish Eden did so my life would be easier, but I’m also happy to see her grow.

It’s not very nice

Friday, May 5th, 2006

I was at my parents Monday. Eden had a doctor’s appointment. (9 months weighed 17 lbs 6 oz., height 27 3/4 inches). After the appointment I went to my parents so they could watch the girls while I watched some lectures. Lilah went out front with my dad because he was doing some stuff outside. When he was finished he came inside and asked if Lilah had come inside. I said no, so he went to look for her outside. I came out with him, since he didn’t know where she was. We called her name but no Lilah. He had just closed the garage so he thought she might have been in there. We opened it up to find Lilah coming from behind my mom’s car. Grandpa had called out for her before he shut the door, but she hadn’t answered, or hadn’t answered loud enough. She got two big hugs from us once we found her. Mom and I teased Dad about locking his granddaughter in the garage, but Lilah was the funniest. Whenever we teased him, she kept reminding that grandpa locked her in the garage. “We don’t lock people in the garage. It’s not very nice.” I think that made him feel the worst. She was okay, possible a little scared, but she didn’t cry over the experience which tells me she wasn’t too scared.
She does repeat that’s/ it’s not very nice with certain situations. Eden climbing on her or me jokingly bonking her on the head with a piece of laundry. It puts you in your place.